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July 13th Maintenance Affecting Flows, Timers

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Ada Nikolaidis

Jul 1, 2024, 10:27:46 AM7/1/24
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Dear Globus User,

Starting at 8:00a US Central on Saturday July 13, 2024, a planned maintenance lasting up to two hours includes a database migration which will impact the following:

• Some flow runs may not be able to progress
• Some timers may fail to run (those created in 2023 or earlier; or created via the discontinued Timer CLI)

We will send a notification to the discuss list when this migration is complete. We recommend that users check the state of their flow and timer runs after services have resumed.

If this maintenance window causes a significant problem for you or those you support, or if you would like more details on which flows and timers may be impacted, please contact as soon as possible.


Ada Nikolaidis
Globus Software Engineering Manager | University of Chicago

Ada Nikolaidis

Jul 12, 2024, 1:04:05 PM7/12/24
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Dear Globus User,

As a reminder, the maintenance described below will take place tomorrow starting at 8:00a US Central.

We will send a notification to this list once the migration is complete. We recommend that users check the state of their flow and timer runs after services have resumed.


Ada Nikolaidis
Globus Software Engineering Manager | University of Chicago

Ada Nikolaidis

Jul 13, 2024, 9:59:40 AM7/13/24
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Dear Globus User,

This maintenance is now complete. We recommend that users check the state of their flow and timer runs after services have resumed.

If you require additional support regarding this maintenance, please email and reference this email subject.


Ada Nikolaidis
Globus Software Engineering Manager | University of Chicago
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