GlobusApp is now generally available.GlobusAppprovides a new, simpler way to manage your Globus Auth interactions in a Python application and minimizes boilerplate code, allowing developers to streamline the development of applications that interact with Globus services. Learn more aboutGlobusApphere.
An initial Globus Compute client class, globus_sdk.ComputeClient, is now available. (#1071, #1085)
It's now possible to set subscriptions with the new TransferClient.set_subscription_id() method. (#1073)
A new error type, globus_sdk.ValidationError, is used in certain cases of ValueErrors caused by invalid content. (#1044)
Globus Auth Requirement Errors (GAREs) have been moved from globus_sdk.experimental.auth_requirements_error to globus_sdk.gare. (#1048)
The primary document type has been renamed from GlobusAuthRequirementsError to GARE.
The functions provided by this interface have been renamed to use gare in their naming: to_gare, is_gare, has_gares, and to_gares.
LoginFlowManagers have been moved from globus_sdk.experimental.login_flow_managers to globus_sdk.login_flows. (#1057)
TokenStorages have been moved from globus_sdk.experimental.tokenstorage to globus_sdk.tokenstorage. (#1065)
Consents have been moved from globus_sdk.experimental.consents to globus_sdk.scopes.consents. (#1047)
GlobusApps have been moved from globus_sdk.experimental.globus_app to globus_sdk and globus_sdk.globus_app. (#1085)
Added a --terms-and-conditions option to the globus group update command.
The CLI has removed remaining support for endpoint activation.
Activation commands such as globus endpoint is-activated are already hidden, but now act as no-ops when invoked and emit warnings to stderr about their upcoming removal.
The --skip-activation-check option for Transfer task submission has been deprecated.
Activated is no longer a field in globus endpoint show output.
Ada Nikolaidis Globus Software Engineering Manager | University of Chicago