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Subsequent transfer ops gives cert errors

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James Carr

Apr 30, 2024, 5:38:34 PM4/30/24
to Discuss
I am developing a two-pane file manager, similar to the official Globus file manager. 

Currently, a user selects a collection from one of the 2 panes and their files are displayed. Since I am using Flask, I cannot use ajax/async, so I am having to refresh the page with each change, which is fine for now. 

 On the backend, I am creating a transfer_client with each page load. Basically:

create transfer client
if user requested files for left pane -> do operation_ls(left_id)
if user requested files for right pane -> do operation_ls(right_id)

The left pane works, files are displayed. But when the user selects a collection from the right pane, it gives the error. 

My solution was to use 2 transfer clients, one for left and one for right; this worked fine the first time requesting a file list, however if the user tries two-times (i.e. if the same transfer client gets created more than once, I get the error. 

The error: ('GET', '<removed>/ls', 'Bearer', 502, 'ExternalError.DirListingFailed.ConnectFailed', 'Command Failed: Error (connect)\nEndpoint: MyCollection (<id>)\nServer: <removed>:443\nMessage: Could not connect to server\n---\nDetails: an authorization operation failed\\nglobus_xio_gsi: gss_init_sec_context failed.\\nGSS failure: \\nGSS Major Status: Unexpected Gatekeeper or Service Name\\nGSS Minor Status Error Chain:\\nglobus_gsi_gssapi: Authorization denied: The expected name for the remote host (host@<removed> does not match the authenticated name of the remote host (host@<mydomain>). This happens when the name in the host certificate does not match the information obtained from DNS and is often a DNS configuration problem.\\n\\n\n', '<removed>')

Note: The transfer client is not being stored anywhere, which I suspect to be the issue. When the page reloads, it has to create a new transfer client. Is there a way to store it? I tried session variables, but was not able to get it working so I presume there's another way. 

Thank you!

Vas Vasiliadis

May 1, 2024, 2:29:00 PM5/1/24
to James Carr, Discuss
Hi James,

I’ll let the code experts respond to your error, but I’m curious as to why you’re developing a file manager UI. Is there something specific missing from the Globus UI that’s needed to address your use case? I ask because, beyond authorization, there are myriad considerations that are handled by the Globus UI to make the application more robust, and replicating those in custom code would be a massive undertaking. If we can address your requirements directly, you may be able to focus your efforts on higher-value things.

If you do continue down this path, you may also want to take a look at our new JavaScript SDK (, which presents a better experience using async methods.


James Carr

May 1, 2024, 2:59:35 PM5/1/24
to Discuss,, Discuss, James Carr
My institution has a data portal and they want users to be able to manage their files and collection within, so unfortunately this show much continue. I am not very familiar with TS but I will look at the JS SDK

A modular file manager would be amazing... something with a config file we can fill out and then implement it into our websites. 

James Carr

May 2, 2024, 3:01:19 PM5/2/24
to Discuss, James Carr,, Discuss
Update: I have implemented an async javascript solution, which simplifies things much more. However, the error still occurs sporadically when transfer client calls are made. I can try 2-3 times and the operation_ls() will succeed. ('GET', '', 'Bearer', 502, 'ExternalError.DirListingFailed.ConnectFailed', 'Command Failed: Error (connect)\nEndpoint: My Collection (removed)\nServer: IP:443\nMessage: Could not connect to server\n---\nDetails: an authorization operation failed\\nglobus_xio_gsi: gss_init_sec_context failed.\\nGSS failure: \\nGSS Major Status: Unexpected Gatekeeper or Service Name\\nGSS Minor Status Error Chain:\\nglobus_gsi_gssapi: Authorization denied: The expected name for the remote host ( does not match the authenticated name of the remote host (host@*.mydomain). This happens when the name in the host certificate does not match the information obtained from DNS and is often a DNS configuration problem.\\n\\n\n', 'removed')

James Carr

May 6, 2024, 5:05:26 PM5/6/24
to Discuss, James Carr,, Discuss
This was resolved. It was an issue with one of our DNS nodes not syncing properly. 
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