web app trashes my apache installation

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Thomas Lockhart

Jan 23, 2020, 12:56:24 PM1/23/20
to User Discuss
I've got a large-ish django installation running on a CentOS 7 box and found that when our remote globus SAs installed non-personal globus on the machine it killed my apache installation. The root cause is that the globus installation forced the use of Python-2.7 and the mod_wsgi built for that rather than the Python-3.7 anaconda3 installation of mod_wsgi required by my django installation.

I've looked for suggestions on how to install an alternate build of globus server but haven't stumbled across anything.

So two questions:

Can I build and/or install a version of globus which won't conflict with my Python-3 apache configuration?

Can the functionality of globus be maintained if running the web app on another computer? That is, can the file transfer portions of globus continue to run on my server (where the large amount of large files exist) and coexist with my other applications but have the web app run on another computer?

Thanks for any suggestions or RTFM hints!

Stephen Rosen

Jan 28, 2020, 5:18:34 PM1/28/20
to User Discuss
Hi Thomas,

It's not clear from your message whether you're working with Globus Connect Server v4 or v5.

Running any other software under the apache server used by Globus Connect Server version 5 is extremely unlikely to work out well, and it's not something we support. The software integrates fairly extensively with apache and expects to be able to configure new virtual hosts dynamically.
Looking at our documentation (at docs.globus.org ), I'm not certain that we make this sufficiently clear -- I'll file a change request for that, so that it's at least well-known.

Globus Connect Server v4 can make use of a separate server for its myproxy-oauth configuration. If this is what you're looking to use you (or members of your team) can reach out to us at sup...@globus.org and we can help talk you through the configuration.
I don't believe we have a guide on this exact subject, but the steps are very similar to the general multi-node configuration which we document here:

Under v4, you can install the IO component (GridFTP) on one server and the ID (myproxy) and Web (apache + myproxy-oauth) components on another.

As for the question of yours which I left unanswered...
> Can I build and/or install a version of globus which won't conflict with my Python-3 apache configuration?

If we mean v4, the answer is not yet! Though it may be possible in the near future, I wouldn't recommend it even if you can.
Under both v4 and v5, Globus Connect Server's web components expect ownership of the apache configuration.
Unless you have a strong reason to do so, I would give the Globus Connect Server's apache server its own home, separate from any other applications.

To toss an idea out there, if you're dedicated to trying this configuration, you could put your app under a non-mod_wsgi server and reverse proxy with apache. uwsgi and gunicorn spring to mind as choices. That way, you eliminate any conflict between mod_wsgi for your application and mod_wsgi for Globus Connect Server.

Best regards,
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