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Fwd: Email about capstone project research

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Undergrad Advising Global Studies

May 23, 2024, 4:23:34 PM5/23/24

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From: Crystal Bach <>
Date: Thu, May 23, 2024 at 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: Email about capstone project research

Dear UCSB Students, 

If you are a college student who hasn’t utilized the A.S. Food Bank, but could benefit from access to free food, the A.S. Food Bank invites you to participate in a short interview so we can better serve you!

Participants will be compensated for their time with a $15 gift card to the Isla Vista Food Co-op. This study, Nourishing Success: Investigating Campus Initiatives Addressing Food Insecurity, is being conducted as an undergraduate research project, through sponsorship from the ASFB Committee.

Founded in 2011, the A.S. Food Bank's mission is to combat food insecurity on campus through the provision of free food and basic needs products to the UC Santa Barbara student community. While the Food Bank serves hundreds of clients per day, we know that a significant portion of our student population has yet to utilize our services. Thus, we would like to interview UCSB students that identify as food insecure (or that may generally benefit from our services) but have yet to seek assistance from the ASFB, in order to identify gaps in our existing programs and areas for improvement.

Please fill out our interview interest form ASAP ( to learn more information and see if you're eligible. All information submitted in this form and provided during interviews will remain confidential. Interviews will be one-on-one, 10-20 minutes, and in a public (but private) space on campus or over Zoom. Interviews will likely be scheduled between Week 8 and Week 9 of this quarter.

If you have any questions regarding the survey or interview, please email us at

In community,

Crystal Bach

Administration Coordinator, A.S. Food Bank 

Global Studies Undergraduate Advising Team
Meghan Zero + Taylor Ross + Undergraduate Peer Advisors
Email:|Appointment info here  

UC Santa Barbara
Interview Flyer.pdf
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