Golden eagle sighting in Rochester

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May 26, 2024, 8:53:07 AMMay 26
I recorded my best yard bird ever yesterday (#102) at my home in the South Wedge in Rochester.  Here's my ebird report:

Around 6 PM last night, I was looking out our kitchen window and noticed a very large dark raptor circling slowly over the UR presidential estate, just above the tops of the scattered trees. Held wings just slightly above horizontal, with large spread "fingers". Head noticeably small-looking for bird this big. Light was not great (backlit against bright clouds) but I made out two toned pattern of underwings (darker closer to leading edge, lighter closer to trailing edge, but not nearly as light as turkey vulture; flight was also steady, nothing like tilting flight of turkey vulture). On glimpse of dorsum as it circled I picked out lighter brownish tones in nape area contrasting with dark back. Altogether quite dark -- probably an adult. Bird seemed to be looking down, probably hunting. Observed for about a minute, then it flapped a few times and headed south out of sight. (Conditions were windless and cloudy, not ideal for migration or gaining altitude)

I have a question: the last ebird report of a Golden Eagle in Monroe County was April 10.  But I noticed that my report doesn't even appear in the list of recent checklists.  Could that be because it's a "sensitive" species?  Or because it's not convincing to the powers that be?  If the latter I wonder how many other reports there have been since April 10 that didn't pass muster.

Thanks folks!

Best, Jim

David Norton

May 26, 2024, 10:37:49 AMMay 26

Hi, Has the Oriole migration been different this year? Haven’t see any in the backyard yet. Usually they have shown up for the jelly by now. Thanks, Dave

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David Norton

May 26, 2024, 11:25:24 AMMay 26
to Tamsan Cleveland,,


I use the same, grape jelly and oranges.

I am in West Webster.

And as I am writing this our first Oriole has landed on the feeder. Yay!


From: Tamsan Cleveland []
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2024 10:50 AM
To: David Norton <>
Subject: Re: [GeneseeBirds-L] Golden eagle sighting in Rochester


Our first Oriole this year in Pittsford/Perinton was May 2. Their numbers and habits appear to be the same as in previous years. We use oranges and grape jelly. 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 26, 2024, at 10:37 a.m., David Norton <> wrote:

David Norton

May 26, 2024, 11:40:04 AMMay 26
to Tamsan Cleveland,,
2024-05-28 1st Oriole of the year (5).jpg
2024-05-28 1st Oriole of the year (8).jpg

Gil Randell

May 26, 2024, 2:09:22 PMMay 26
to David Norton, Tamsan Cleveland,,
Although this won’t directly answer Jim’s question, a visit to “”” will give you a sense of Golden Eagle migration along the south shore of Lake Ontario in Monroe County.  When you go to HawkCount, click on “Find a Hawk Watch," scroll down to “Braddock Bay,”  click on "Monthly Reports" in the lefthand window and select “May;"  The table that then comes up will give you the Spring counts so far for migrating GE’s (51) at Braddock Bay.  I think 12 of those 51 were seen this month (May 2024).  HawkCount is fairly easy to navigate through, so look for the days’ write-ups when GE’s were seen for more information.


To view this discussion on the web visit
<2024-05-28 1st Oriole of the year (5).jpg><2024-05-28 1st Oriole of the year (8).jpg>

David Norton

May 26, 2024, 2:35:27 PMMay 26
to Fry, James,

Nice to know, thanks for sharing


From: Fry, James []

Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2024 11:37 AM
To: David Norton <>

Subject: Re: [EXT] RE: [GeneseeBirds-L] Golden eagle sighting in Rochester


My experience is that the orioles are most likely to come to the feeder in the first half of May, particularly if there is cooler weather. Presumably by now they’re finding more insects to eat. 


I use orange slices because I’ve heard birds can be harmed if they get jelly on their feathers.  Orioles like them and catbirds go nuts


Sent from my iPhone

On May 26, 2024, at 10:37 AM, David Norton <> wrote:

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