OpenDP Community Meeting is a week from today!

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Aug 15, 2024, 7:12:28 PM8/15/24
to opendp-community
Dear OpenDP Community,

We are officially a week away from the 2024 OpenDP Community Meeting! We have already communicated most of the agenda and we have more updates to share with you!

We are thrilled to announce our two keynote speakers!  On day one (Thursday, August 22nd) you'll hear from Ilya Mironov (Meta) talk about the theory and practice of DP-SGD.  On day two (Friday, August 23rd), Jeremy Epstein from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) will share about government activities to advance privacy enhancing technologies.

That's not all - we also recently announced the details of the Industry Panel: Deploying DP in Practice! Join Yaw Etse (Capital One), Seyi Feyisetan (Amazon), Jack Fitzsimons (Oblivious), James Honaker (Mozilla Anonym), and Christina Ilvento (Apple) on Thursday, August 22nd as they share insights, experiences and challenges.

You'll find all the details on the website, including links to more information for each session or talk. Don't forget to also join us on the evening of Wednesday, August 21st after the conclusion of TPDP for a reception from 3pm-6pm thanks to our diamond sponsors!

Remember - registration is FREE but mandatory! With over 150 people confirmed to attend in person and more virtually (zoom information will be shared soon), we hope to see you all next week. Registration deadline is tomorrow!

The OpenDP team

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