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MRes in Primate Behavioural Ecology - Bournemouth University, UK

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Amanda Korstjens

Jun 4, 2024, 5:44:55 AM6/4/24
to Primate-Programs

I am looking for students to join me through our MRes degree at Bournemouth University (start times in September, January and April). I am open to a wide range of research project ideas, either field work based on desk-based modelling approaches. To see the kind of projects I have been involved in please visit: go-LEAP: Landscape Ecology and Primatology; ‪Amanda Korstjens - ‪Google Scholar; Professor Amanda Korstjens - Bournemouth University Staff Profile Pages.


In particular, I am really interested in investigating ways to ensure that forest restoration projects benefit primate (or other wildlife) population recovery optimally within a changing climate. This work is planned for a collaboration working at recovering sites in Côte d’Ivoire, with Prof. Inza Koné from the CSRS, but other locations can be discussed.

For this purpose I would like to work with an MRes student interested in monitoring habitat use and distribution patterns of primates (or other wildlife) at sites with different levels of restoration and degradation to relate this to environmental conditions (e.g. climate, forest structure & composition).

Alternatively, I am keen to work with a student interested in developing primate habitat use models (e.g. individual-based models or species distribution models), to eventually develop an integrated Digital Twin Model.


Bournemouth University offers a 1-year research degree at Masters level that allows you to focus on your research project, without assessed modules. See:

Please get in touch with me via my university address


Together with your potential supervisors you will design a project that suits your and our research interests and your career aspirations. Once the proposal ideas are well-developed, you can apply through the university system.

The MRes degree has very few mandatory classes but you can often sit in on our various MSc-level classes to develop specific skills. The MRes is assessed through a viva examination.

Our department also runs a more traditional MSc in Biodiversity Conservation. and a fully online MSc in Green Economy.

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