Applications are open for FPI's 2024 Primate Behavior & Movement Ecology program in the Peruvian Amazon. Join a 15-year behavioral and mark-recapture study spanning 17 social groups, more than 300 unique animals, and two species: the saddleback tamarin (Leontocebus weddelli) and the emperor tamarin (Saguinus imperator).
Participants will become adept at conducting daily follows of several target groups, with and without radio telemetry technology. Full day follows (i.e.. following a group from sleep tree to sleep tree) will be expected 1-2 days per week. Data collection will consist of scan sampling of behavior at fixed intervals, marking and collection of fruits from feeding trees, opportunistic collection of fecal samples, and recording of spontaneous reproductive behaviors such as mating and scent marking. If newborns are observed, focal observations of adult parents and alloparents may be performed.
In addition to tamarin groups, this program also incorporates follows of 9 other species of primate at this field site to record group size, movement, and collect noninvasive samples. Participants will also help maintain a grid of UHF radio nodes distributed at regular intervals in the forest to record animal movement and survival year-round.
Skills & Training:
Comfortably and safely work on and off trail systems in a Neotropical rainforest setting
Identify tamarin species by sight and sound
Conduct full-day behavioral follows of wild primates using focal, scan, and ad-libitum data sampling methods
Use radio telemetry equipment to locate tagged individuals and groups
Collect and preserve fecal and urine samples
Mark feeding trees and collect fruit samples
Clean up and maintain multiple data types in an organized way for subsequent analyses, including:
Spatial data
Habitat data
Behavioral data
Biological sample metadata
Quick Facts:
2024 Start Dates: May 26, June 16, July 7
Minimum Commitment: 5 weeks
Location: Los Amigos Biological Station, Peru
Application Deadline: March 31
Program Fee: $2,450 for 5 weeks; $490 each additional week (Fee includes food and lodging at the field station, training and use of field equipment. Fee does not include transportation to field station).
For more information, including FAQ, visit our program page:
Short on funding? See our scholarship opportunities:
Ready to apply? CV + 2 references required: