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philip linder

Mar 20, 2024, 3:31:41 PMMar 20
LEARNING OPPORTUNITY: Anthropology, Primates and Ethnoprimatology Online Course with
Philip Linder O’Donnell, begins Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
Hiring Organization: Philip Linder O’Donnell
From Orlando, Florida, Philip Linder continues the online course: Anthropology, Primates and
Ethnoprimatology. The original cohorts of students of the first two courses are encouraged to
continue and participate with course content, guest lecturers and in the works, a field school in
Sucumbios, Ecuadorian Amazon for ethnoprimatology methods and theories.
The course first aims to introduce students to the scientific discipline of anthropology before
sharing in-depth understanding of the Order Primates and Anthropology’s new specialization,
Ethnoprimatology. The format is recorded lectures divided into three modules. Projects,
exercises, readings and assessment exams accompany each module.
The instructor of the course is Philip Linder O’Donnell who has taught anthropology courses
(Cultural Anthropology and Human Origins and Prehistory) at universities in the USA for 7
years. He is a PhD student in Anthropological Studies at Queen’s University Belfast, Northern
Ireland remotely and part-time.. His dissertation research will explore ethnoprimatology in the
Ecuadorian Amazon where he lived from 2020-2022. While there he observed human
interactions with 8 species of wild nonhuman Primates (NHPs). He led tours of undergraduates
to see captive primates at the Indianapolis Zoo where he observed primates for
decades. Recently he spent 14 months as lead caregiver of squirrel monkeys at a primate
sanctuary in Florida.
After completion of the course students should be able to show knowledge about the basics of
the field of anthropology and the types of research and analyses practiced in the discipline.
A broad understanding and appreciation for primate species, including our own can be
achieved with introductions to classifications, behavioral ecology, evolutionary histories,
predation, conservation, and more! Primates around the world face unprecedented threats to
their viability and many are close to extinction in the wild.
Participants will have the chance to learn about the field of ethnoprimatology, key researchers,
strategies, methods, theories, ethical considerations, how to create a proposal and much
It is hoped that a greater appreciation for the place of humans on our Earth can be realized,
that we are a part of nature and not separate from it and that humans and NHPs have a long
shared evolutionary history of living side by side. One of the most important challenges we
face is to live the most harmoniously we can with all species as there is increasingly more
encroachment upon habitats on the Earth we all share.
I am an independent instructor and do not offer credit but possibly you could get credit
through your university as an independent study.
Get a certificate and transcripts for successful completion of the course.
Cool projects like Create a Primate!
Recorded and live Zoom meetings with the instructor and guest interviews with
anthropologists, primatologists and ethnoprimatologists. Past guests include Leslie Sponsel
who coined the term ethnoprimatology and first described it, Kerry Dore who studied the
human primate interface on St. Kitts island, George Gmelch, expert ethnographer, and Ulrich
Reichard, gibbons researcher and expert on the gibbons of Khao Yai, Thailand. Future guests to
be announced.
Live virtual fieldtrips to fieldsites in Sucumbios with hotspots aiding the process, to appreciate
culture, and observe the human-NHP interface. And actual in person field school in
ethnoprimatology in late August, 2024 with tuition for this course contributing to the entire
cost. Details to be announced later.
Books, articles and other reading materials you can keep as well as access to the course.
A website and discussion forum for students to communicate.
Whether you are a student contemplating anthropology, primatology or ethnoprimatology as a
major, graduate school or career, or are already studying or participating, this could be a great
opportunity to explore what is available or to supplement your thirst for knowledge. Lifelong
learners will also love the content for learning’s sake and perhaps happy career changes will be
Only an interest and enthusiasm for learning about Anthropology, Primates and
All books, articles and other reading materials will be provided and it costs $175 to register.
Sunday, May 12, 2024.
Class is without pressure as you work at the pace you choose.
For registration and more information, email Philip Linder O'Donnell at

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