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Field Methods in Primatology Course - Paraguay

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Rebecca Smith

Apr 4, 2023, 7:11:54 AM4/4/23
to Primate-Programs
Paraguay is often overlooked in terms of conservation and scientific research. Fundación Para La Tierra (PLT) is a Paraguayan non-profit NGO focused on the conservation of Paraguay’s endangered habitats through scientific research, education and community engagement. PLT runs the country’s only long-term primate research projects.

The Field Methods in Primatology course is a three-week intensive introduction to field primatology with particular focus on the hooded capuchin (Sapajus cay) in the Paraguayan Atlantic Forest and the black-&-gold howler monkey (Alouatta caraya) the humid Chaco and in a city environment. The course offers budding primatologists the perfect opportunity to gain hands-on experience of a range of field techniques in very different environments.

The course is led by PLT’s primatologist Dr Rebecca Smith. Rebecca is the only professional primatologist in Paraguay. She is a National Geographic Explorer and has worked with primates in captive and wild settings in four countries. She has lived in Paraguay for more than a decade studying the hooded capuchin in the Paraguayan Atlantic Forest.

The course introduces students to primatology through lectures, field exercises, discussion groups, active participation in Paraguay’s only long-term primate field study and independent research. The course is split between San Rafael “National Park” and the city of Pilar (Para La Tierra’s Centro IDEAL base). Students will participate in a series of lectures including primate taxonomy, study design, primatology in Paraguay and Atlantic Forest conservation. In the Paraguayan Atlantic Forest of San Rafael, students will participate in the long-term capuchin research project while learning field skills including, but not limited to, camera trapping, VHF telemetry and primate habituation techniques. In addition students will learn about practical conservation in the area including PLT's environmental education programme and reforestation work with our partner Mbya Guaraní indigenous community Mberu Pirapo'i.

The final 10 days will be spent in Pilar and will include lecture and practical work relating to distance sampling and census methods, non-invasive biological sample collection, parasite analysis and social network analysis. Students will be introduced to Pilar’s urban howler monkey population and learn a variety of data collection techniques. During the final four days students will plan and carry out their own mini-study on the urban howler monkeys, collecting at least 30 hours of data before presenting their results to the group. 

There are 6 positions available on the 2023 course.


This course is perfect for undergraduates who are thinking about a career in primatology, tropical conservation or studying animal behaviour. You must have or be working towards a degree in a biology-related subject and be at least 18 years old. 

For more information visit

To apply send your CV and a cover letter to


$2595 for course tuition, 3 meals per day and afternoon snack, lodging at the Centro IDEAL and Nueva Gambach research stations and all transportation within country. Airfares to Paraguay, travel insurance and vaccinations are not included.

Take advantage of the early bird offer of $2295 if you book before June 30th 2023.

Start and End dates.

September 17th - October 8th 2023

You must arrive in Asunción the day before the course starts as the course begins at 8am on the 17th. Hotel on the first night is not included.
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