Field Research Assistant, Kinda baboon reproductive behavior

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Anissa S

Mar 13, 2023, 9:31:09 AM3/13/23
to Primate-jobs

Field Assistant Advertisement – Kinda Baboon Reproductive Behavior Project

Position Description

I am seeking a research assistant to help with a project on the reproductive behavior of Kinda baboons (Papio kindae) at Kasanka National Park in Zambia, beginning May 2023. Successful applicants will be expected to assist with various types of data collection in the field, including: learning to recognize ~50 adult baboons, detailed behavioral observations, and fecal sample collection for future laboratory analysis. When not following the baboons, the assistant will also assist with data entry at camp, and occasional conservation and outreach projects in and around Kasanka National Park. I am looking for an assistant who can commit to at least 12 months  (potentially longer, but at least 12 months of fieldwork).

Life at the research camp is basic but relatively comfortable. The camp contains a common area, field laboratory, kitchen, fridge and freezer, and multiple researcher’s tents (with beds). We have a cook and camp attendant to cook meals, wash clothes, and do general cleaning in camp. There is a live-in nurse at Kasanka National Park and a health clinic right outside the gate of the national park in case of emergencies. Solar power is available; however, charging field equipment is a priority.

More information about the field site can be found at: If you’d like to know more about the PI and the specific research project, please reach out on Twitter @anissa.speaks or via email at
I am a PhD student at Rutgers University, and this fieldwork contributes to my dissertation data collection. If you’d like to learn more about sexual selection in Kinda baboons, the paper below is an excellent resource:

Petersdorf M, Weyher AH, Kamilar JM, Dubuc C, Higham JP. Sexual selection in the Kinda baboon. Journal of human evolution. 2019;135:102635-102635. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2019.06.006



This is an ideal experience for recent undergraduates to gain experience in fieldwork and data collection. You will be trained in a variety of field methodologies and will live and work with a diverse group of people.

Essential Characteristics of Successful Applicants

Conditions – Physical Exertion and Seclusion

Be capable of walking 6 – 12 miles per day on various terrain and in various weather conditions (hot, cold, rain) for 4-8 hours per day, starting early in the morning. We strive to be an inclusive research team and priortize rest before work. Rest is essential, and all team members take days off. We also accommodate team members whenever and however we can. However, the job does require intense physical exertion. This job also requires being away from loved ones for extended periods of time with limited internet connectivity. There is the ability to reliably Whatsapp from camp and the tourist lodge of Kasanka National Park has Wi-Fi with the ability to make calls and Zoom, though it is not always reliable.


Teamwork – Openness and Patience

Be conscientious of living abroad and living within diverse cultures, customs, and languages. Be open to ways of living that may differ from their own. Having strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work through potential conflict is essential for this job. Fieldwork is a team effort, and every team member deserves respect and a voice in the direction of the team and data collection. Fieldwork is often characterized by many challenges and setbacks; having patience through these challenges and the ability to rely on a team to resolve issues is crucial to successful fieldwork. Having a good sense of humor is always a plus in the field!


Data Collection – Conscientiousness and Diligence

            Conscientiousness and diligence in data collection, field lab work, and data management are essential for the job. Applicants who can work independently, are conscientious of the little details, and have the motivation to complete tasks without being prompted will be the most successful applicants.


Research Interests

            The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in primate behavior. However, applicants from various backgrounds and interests will be considered. Backgrounds in biology, ecology, anthropology, zoology, and psychology, among others, will all be considered. While prior fieldwork experience is preferred, it is not necessary. The ability to work on a team and be open to other cultures and be conscientious and diligent in data collection is just as important as prior experience.


What do research assistants get out of this job?

·      Field assistants will be co-authors on all papers that result from this project that use data collected by the assistant.

·      This field and research experience can be used as a stepping stone toward MA or PhD programs in animal behavior, primatology, ecology, anthropology, etc. I am committed to aiding my field assistant in the process of applying for graduate school if they are interested.

·      One-on-one mentorship on fieldwork practices, data collection, team management, and scientific paper writing, among other skills that will be highly beneficial for graduate school or future scientific endeavors.


Support provided for this position
No salary is available; however, all costs will be covered upfront, meaning this is NOT reimbursement-based (see below for more details).


The PI will cover the costs of working on this, including:

·      One round-trip airfare

·      Visa and research permit fees

·      In-country travel

·      Bench fees at Kasanka National Park

·      Living/subsistence expenses

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