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Vulkano first steps

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Rob Tsuk

Aug 15, 2017, 6:14:54 PM8/15/17

I’ve managed to get Vulkano running on Fuchsia. Winit was a bit of a slog but Vulkano was surprisingly easy. If you’d like to give it a try, here’s how.

  1. checkout fargo and install it with cargo install.
  2. clone my forks of winit and vulkano in the same parent directory. In both check out the fuchsia branch.
  3. Boot a NUC or Acer with a release fuchsia image. Vulkan will not work in Qemu.
  4. cd to vulkano/examples and fargo cargo -- run --bin teapot

After a brief time spent compiling you should see a teapot spinning lazily on the screen of your NUC or Acer.

Let me know if you try this and it doesn't work for some reason.

My fork of Vulkano also has a change to to make it easy to use MoltenVK. All you have to do is put a copy of MoltenVF.framework in $HOME/Library/Frameworks.

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