TLDR: going forward please use //src/lib/fuchsia-sync (docs) instead of parking_lot on both target and host.
We're moving away from
parking_lot in our tree in favor of an API-compatible lock library called
fuchsia-sync. The main reason is that it's not great to have
sched_yield calls in a lock's contended spin and more background is available in the
original bug and linked commit messages.
No immediate action is required on your part, as I've already migrated current users and the
parking_lot target is
no longer visible to most code in our tree. It is still what you get behind the scenes if you use
fuchsia-sync in host code, and the library is still used by some of our 3p deps, but I'm pruning that list and we have
follow-up work identified to fully remove it from target-side code.
Let me know if you have any questions, and happy hacking in the new year!