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[TEST] PSA: FIDL now supports named method payloads

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Alex Zaslavsky

Mar 10, 2022, 2:27:59 AM3/10/22

If you don't read/write FIDL, or interact with generated FIDL bindings, you may stop reading now.


  • Named method payloads are now supported in FIDL:

// Old, repetitive way

protocol OldProtocol {

    InvertNumber(struct {num int16;}) -> (struct {num int16;});

    HalveNumber(struct {num int16;}) -> (struct {num int16;});


// New, DRY way

type NumberPayload = struct {

    num int16;


protocol NewProtocol {

    InvertNumber(NumberPayload) -> (NumberPayload);

    HalveNumber(NumberPayload) -> (NumberPayload);


  • This style is encouraged for new method definitions where appropriate, but already existing definitions will not be proactively converted to support this new syntax.


Named payload conversions are 100% API preserving for struct payloads, which as of this writing are the only payloads in fuchsia.git, though support for table and union payloads is just around the corner.   The OldProtocol/NewProtocol example above will result in the following, functionally identical HLCPP output:

class OldProtocol {


    /* … */

    using InvertNumberCallback = fit::function<void(int16_t)>;

    virtual void InvertNumber(int16_t num, InvertNumberCallback callback) = 0;

    using HalveNumberCallback = fit::function<void(int16_t)>;

    virtual void HalveNumber(int16_t num, HalveNumberCallback callback) = 0;


class NewProtocol {


    /* … */

    using InvertNumberCallback = fit::function<void(int16_t)>;

    virtual void InvertNumber(int16_t num, InvertNumberCallback callback) = 0;

    using HalveNumberCallback = fit::function<void(int16_t)>;

    virtual void HalveNumber(int16_t num, HalveNumberCallback callback) = 0;


And this (also identical) Rust output:

pub trait OldProtocolProxyInterface: Send + Sync {

   type InvertNumberResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<(i16), fidl::Error>> + Send;

   fn r#invert_number(&self, num: i16) -> Self::InvertNumberResponseFut;

   type HalveNumberResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<(i16), fidl::Error>> + Send;

   fn r#halve_number(&self, num: i16) -> Self::HalveNumberResponseFut;


pub trait NewProtocolProxyInterface: Send + Sync {

   type InvertNumberResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<(i16), fidl::Error>> + Send;

   fn r#invert_number(&self, num: i16) -> Self::InvertNumberResponseFut;

   type HalveNumberResponseFut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<(i16), fidl::Error>> + Send;

   fn r#halve_number(&self, num: i16) -> Self::HalveNumberResponseFut;


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