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PSA: FIDL "_hlcpp" suffix will be required in GN

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Mitchell Kember

Sep 1, 2022, 1:59:29 PM9/1/22
to fidl-dev
You can stop reading if you don’t use FIDL HLCPP bindings in the Fuchsia GN build.

In the past, depending on a FIDL target gave you HLCPP bindings by default. Soon, you will be required to explicitly choose the bindings flavor using the “_hlcpp” or “_cpp” suffix. For example:

executable("foo") {

  # ...

  deps = [

    # DEPRECATED: Implicitly choose HLCPP.


    # Explicitly choose HLCPP with "_hlcpp".


    # Explicitly choose the new C++ bindings with "_cpp".




See Comparing C, new C++, and high-level C++ language bindings for help deciding which C++ bindings you should use.

This is tracked by, and enforcement starts with an allowlist in I will migrate all existing build targets in the coming days. After the migration, if you try using the old way, you’ll get a GN error like this:

ERROR at //build/config/ Dependency not allowed.

  target(target_type, target_name) {


The item //examples/fidl/hlcpp/unittests:example-cpp-host-test_executable

can not depend on //examples/fidl/fuchsia.examples:fuchsia.examples

because it is not in //examples/fidl/fuchsia.examples:fuchsia.examples's visibility list: [








Please reach out if you have any questions.


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