Invitation: Canadian Urban Data Catalogue!

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Feb 28, 2024, 12:30:18 AMFeb 28

We wish to inform you of the launch of the Canadian Urban Data Catalogue (CUDC). CUDC facilitates the discovery of Canadian urban data by providing a catalogue that documents open and closed datasets and data web services, regardless of location. With the rapid growth of urban datasets, discovering the data you need is like finding a needle in a haystack.  CUDC aims to alleviate this problem by providing a centralised, searchable catalogue that documents urban datasets regardless of location and availability. At the core of CUDC is the dataset metadata maturity model (DMMM) that provides a framework for representing a dataset’s metadata. A dataset’s catalogue entry contains metadata such as topic, ownership, licensing, and spatial and temporal aspects. In addition, it incorporates information about quality, and a dataset’s adherence to FAIR and indigenous data principles (OCAP). CUDC contains over a thousand catalogued datasets from organisations across Canada, spanning topics such as transportation, housing, art and culture, and homelessness. 

We invite you to try out CUDC at: We also invite you to contribute to the catalogue by creating entries for your datasets, regardless of limitations on availability. CUDC also acts as a repository if you wish to store datasets there. To create a catalogue entry, you will need to register at:  More information about CUDC and DMMM  can be found in: 

We look forward to your helping us make CUDC a national resource.

Warm regards,

On Behalf of, Dr. Bart Gajderowicz

Executive Director

Urban Data Centre

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