FPBench Community Meeting 2022-09-01

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Bill Zorn

Aug 31, 2022, 3:20:26 PM8/31/22
to fpb...@fpbench.org
Hi all,

Unfortunately our speaker plans for this month didn't come together, so we will not have a speaker for the meeting tomorrow (September 1st). We will still hold an informal "Birds of a Feather" instead in the Zoom, so if you just want to hang out and chat about numerics, you are welcome to join.

But stay tuned - we have exciting talks already lined up for the next couple of months:
- October 6th: Ignacio Laguna of LLNL on the XScope
- November 3rd: Chris Uchytil from UW's 3d printing lab!

As always, feel free to get in touch if you would like a slot.

Hope to see you all soon :)
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