FPBench Community Meeting 2022-10-06

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Bill Zorn

Oct 5, 2022, 5:36:22 PM10/5/22
to fpb...@fpbench.org

Hi all!

Tomorrow (October 6th) at 9am Pacific time we will have our next FPBench Community Meeting. The meeting is a chance to talk about numerics research, share early demos, brainstorm new ideas, and stay in touch. We'll keep tweaking the format as we learn more about what works for the community.

This month, Ignacio Laguna of LLNL will present about the Xscope framework for finding floating-point exceptions in GPU code.

Here’s his abstract:

Testing code for floating-point exceptions is crucial as exceptions can quickly propagate and produce unreliable numerical answers. The state-of-the-art to test for floating-point exceptions in GPUs is quite limited and solutions require the application's source code, which precludes their use in accelerated libraries where the source is not publicly available. We present an approach to find inputs that trigger floating-point exceptions in black-box GPU functions, i.e., functions where the source code and information about input bounds are unavailable. Our approach is the first to use Bayesian optimization (BO) to identify such inputs and uses novel strategies to overcome the challenges that arise in applying BO to this problem. We implement our approach in the Xscope framework and demonstrate it on 58 functions from the CUDA Math Library and functions from ten HPC programs. Xscope is able to identify inputs that trigger exceptions in about 72% of the tested functions.

Zoom: https://washington.zoom.us/j/92831331326

Notes: FPBench Community Minutes

Slack: Invite link

Hope to see y'all there :)

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