[FPBench] Florent de Dinchin this Thursday

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Ian Briggs

Dec 5, 2023, 2:17:03 PM12/5/23
to fpb...@fpbench.org
Hi everyone!

This Thursday, December 7th, at 9:00am PST will be the next Community Meeting on Zoom (https://washington.zoom.us/j/92831331326).

This talk will be from Florent de Dinechin of INSA-Lyon/Inria. A paragon of floating point both in hardware and software, Florent is a major part of projects like Flopoco and books like the "Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic.".

A software designer has to carefully select the arithmetic that best
suits each step of her application, but the choice is constrained: only
a handful of operators are supported in hardware, in only in a handful
of precisions.
Conversely, when designing for hardware or FPGAs, these constraints
become degrees of freedom. Any precision can be designed, any number
encoding, but also any operation and function, provided you are clever
enough to implement it efficiently as a circuit.

This talk will expose some of the opportunities offered by this freedom,
and some of the methodologies and tools that allow a designer to build
and compose application-specific operators.
It may include some inadvertent advertising for our upcoming 800-page
book dedicated to these topics.

Don't miss this opportunity!

Thank you,
Ian Briggs

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