Community Meeting Tomorrow

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Pavel Panchekha

May 3, 2023, 3:36:26 PM5/3/23
Hi all! This week for FPBench Community Meeting we’ll have Shoaib Kamil from Adobe talk about Floating Point Accuracy Anecdotes from Real-world Products.

In this talk, I describe two scenarios where existing tools fall short. First, I will describe our efforts to utilize interval computation to better bound quantities representing real numbers, and the rabbit hole we encountered when trying to find an existing off-the-shelf cross-platform interval computation library. From this exploration, we built a cross-platform interval benchmark suite using hand-crafted expressions from real-world code and from FPBench, and evaluated four existing interval libraries for correctness, interval width, and speed. Second, I will describe our experiences using GPU floating point math to emulate integer computations, and the pitfalls even when computing with exactly-representable floating point numbers.

Shoaib is a Principal Research Scientist at Adobe, where he leads the Programming Languages & Performance (PLP) research group, and has led efforts to modernize, port, and optimize performance for flagship products on new and existing platforms by leveraging domain-specific languages, compilers, and program synthesis techniques. Floating point issues must often be surmounted when building software products that rely on precise computations while still demanding performance.

I think this will be a super relevant talk to many of us, so I’m looking forward to seeing you all there tomorrow!

—Pavel Panchekha
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