FPBench Community Meeting Tomorrow @ 9am PT

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Zachary Tatlock

Mar 1, 2023, 1:16:36 PM3/1/23
to fpb...@fpbench.org
(crossposting from FPBench slack)

Tomorrow for our monthly FPBench Community Meeting with have Eric Heisler talking about
Automatically generating numerical PDE solvers with Finch

Join us at 9am PT!

Finch is a domain-specific language for numerically solving differential equations. It employs a variety of numerical techniques, generates code for a number of different target frameworks and languages, and allows almost arbitrary equation input. In addition, it accepts unrestricted modification of the generated code to provide maximal flexibility and hand-optimization. One downside to this (perhaps excessive) flexibility is that numerical instability and the occasional typo can easily turn a solution into a pile of NaNs.

Eric will introduce Finch, and demonstrate some of the features relevant to the numerics. We will look at some examples where things turn out just the way we hoped, and some where they don’t.

Eric Heisler is a PhD student at the University of Utah. He studies scientific computing tools and is responsible for the software Finch, a domain-specific language for numerical PDEs.

Looking forward to seeing y'all tomorrow!
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