Begin forwarded message:
From: Santosh Nagarakatte <>
Subject: Fwd: IEEE 754-2029 Study Group Meeting
Date: November 2, 2023 at 12:18:38 PM EDT
To: "" <>
FPBench folks,
If you are interested in joining the IEEE 754 standard working group, and want to contribute to the development of the next version of the IEEE-754 standard, see details below.
It is a time-commitment but it can be worth it.
Santosh Nagarakatte
Professor and Undergraduate Program Director,Department of Computer Science,
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Leonard Tsai" <>
Subject: FW: IEEE 754-2029 Study Group Meeting
Date: November 1, 2023 at 11:13:09 PM EDT
To: <stds...@IEEE.ORG>, <>, "'Tom Thompson'" <>
754 Study Group Call to participation.All,We are forming the study group for IEEE-754 binary format of floating standard. The purpose of the study group is to update PAR (Project Authorization Request), PnP (Policy and Procedure), and define what are the items that will need revision for last version of IEEE-754-2019.Your participation to help on this important standard is the opportunity of a lifetime to make impact to the standard that has change the world in last 38 years. Once the study group completes its mission, formal working group will form to work on the actual standard text and detail. You will make friends, learn about the detail of this standard first hand, and the process of standardization.Please join us
Host: Leonard Tsai ( Event number (access code): 2344 047 8134 Event password: pXCh2NpEh94 11/13/2023 8:00 am, Pacific Standard Time (San Francisco, GMT-08:00)
11/13/2023 11:00 am, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) Event address for attendees: Program: IEEE754-2029 Study Program registration password: The program has no registration password Audio conference information +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
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