FINOS Common Domain Model Project: Kick-off meeting 03/14

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Eteri Dvalishvili

Mar 13, 2023, 1:59:57 PM3/13/23
to FINOS General Community List
Dear FINOS Community,We are excited to announce that the kick-off Contribution Review Working Group for the Common Domain Model (CDM) is scheduled to meet on March 14th at 10 AM EST/2 PM GMT. The FINOS team and project maintainers invite you to join us in this discussion.The CDM is a standardized, machine-readable, and machine-executable blueprint for how financial products are traded and managed across the transaction lifecycle. The working groups are now available within the FINOS community calendar and open to those interested in contributing. The CDM has been set up for collaboration and contributions to the FINOS infrastructure, as described in our GitHub repository: will be the first meeting of the new CDM working group led by Chris Rayner of ISLA. During this meeting, the group will discuss the overall structure of the meetings, the contribution workflow, and meeting participation. You can find the details of all CDM-related meetings on the community calendar, and details on how to join the March 14th meeting are provided below:CDM Contribution Review Working Group Meeting Details
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 915 3481 8345
Passcode: 728199
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Please email  or me if you have any questions or would like to be added to the calendar invite directly. For any future updates on the CDM, you can subscribe to our mailing list here

We hope to see you at the first meeting!

Thank you,
   Eteri Dvalishvili | Project Manager | FINOS
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