[FINOS Community] James McLeod's farewell as FINOS Director of Community

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James McLeod

Nov 30, 2023, 5:11:16 AM11/30/23
to comm...@finos.org
Dear FINOS Community,

After four incredible years serving as FINOS Director of Community, I have made the difficult decision to embark on a new adventure in my professional open source journey by leaving FINOS on Friday 15th December and joining NatWest Group as their new engineering Head of Open Source on Tuesday 2nd January.

While it was not an easy choice to leave FINOS, this opportunity aligns perfectly with my passion for advancing open source and its transformative power within the financial services industry.

Reflecting on my time here at FINOS, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. The support, collaboration, and camaraderie within this community has been nothing short of extraordinary.

Together, we have achieved remarkable milestones, fostered innovation through FINOS projects & SIGs, and have started to push diversity, equity and inclusion within the financial services open source domain.

The opportunities I have been given during my time at FINOS have shaped me both personally and professionally. It has been an honor to work alongside such a talented community that is dedicated to driving positive change through open collaboration. The passion and expertise that each of you brings to the table has inspired and pushed me every step of the way.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the entire FINOS team for their unwavering support, guidance, and encouragement. The work we have accomplished together has been phenomenal, and I am immensely proud of what we have achieved as a collective force.

Although I will no longer be the FINOS Director of Community, I am confident that the incredible momentum within the FINOS community will continue to thrive. I encourage you all to stay engaged, keep pushing boundaries, and embrace new opportunities for open source growth through FINOS and The Linux Foundation.

I truly believe in the power of community, and I am committed to staying connected with all of you and I look forward to exploring potential areas of collaboration and continuing to build on the foundation we have established together through FINOS.

To celebrate my time as a FINOS team member, I would like to invite you for a festive farewell drink near Liverpool Street Station, London on Tuesday 5th December from 6:30pm GMT where details can be found on the FINOS Community Calendar.

I look forward to engaging with you again soon.




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