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New Legend modelling initiatives under Financial Objects project

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Acland, Ffion

Feb 8, 2021, 3:17:51 PM2/8/21

Hi FINOS Community,


Hope you are all well.


On the back of the success of the modelling efforts run last year as part of the Legend Open Source we are keen to take that momentum and tackle some new problem statements.


The Financial Objects project feels like the right place to position these and therefore I will be happy to host (and would prefer a co-host to join me) the FO project such that we create a space for modelling opportunities driving and improving the interactions between parties in the financial industry. Keen to keep the scope broad such that other problem statements can be explored in the future.


Please refer to the following git issues that tracked the discussions a few months back choose new project leads for FO and RFC: the future of Financial Objects.


The two project proposals we are committing to and we believe belong under the FO umbrella are: i) reviewing and enhancing the ISDA CDM for commodities options (commodities payout terms) and ii) creating a common template for product control price dissemination (product control common template).

If there are no objections raised in the next week we will move forward on the basis that the Financial Objects project is re-instated and these two groups are set up under that umbrella. Please do reach out if you would be interested in co-hosting the Financial Objects project.

The two modelling efforts will be meeting over the next two weeks so please join the kick-off sessions (details below).

Commodity Payout Terms - Kick off meeting

Thursday, February 11th at 11am ET / 4pm GMT

Meeting link:

Meeting number: 127 391 7484

Password: JMrsuEmY376

Join by video system: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll | +44-20319-88141 UK Toll | Access code: 127 391 7484


Product Control Common Template - Kick off meeting

Monday, February 22nd at 10am ET / 3pm GMT

Meeting link:

Meeting number: 127 642 4586

Password: J2SqF2Kp5X2

Join by video system: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll | +44-20319-88141 UK Toll | Access code: 127 642 4586






Ffion Acland                                                Goldman

Vice President                                                             Sachs

Data Models and Governance


Goldman Sachs (UK) SVC. Limited

Plumtree Court | 25 Shoe Lane |  London EC4A 4AU

Tel:  (44) 020-755-25065




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Ian Sloyan

Feb 12, 2021, 10:19:56 AM2/12/21
to Acland, Ffion,

Hi Ffion, FINOS Community,


This is a very exciting development and ISDA is very happy to participate and see more development of financial data models via the FO project, particularly to help extend CDM or provide standards which are complementary to our goals for CDM.


If you would like ISDA to help co-host that is something we would be happy to do. Let’s discuss that.








From: <> On Behalf Of Acland, Ffion
Sent: 08 February 2021 20:18
Subject: [FINOS Member] [FINOS Community] New Legend modelling initiatives under Financial Objects project



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Agarwalla, Abhishek

Feb 18, 2021, 10:49:36 AM2/18/21
to,, Ian Sloyan, Aitana Myohl, Acland, Ffion, Poon, Kenneth

Hi FINOS Community,


A gentle reminder that the weekly Product Control Common Template working group will kick off on Monday, 22nd Feb 2021 at 10am ET / 3pm GMT.

In order to be a part of the exciting Initiative, you are encouraged to join the mailing list by sending an email to Agenda for the meeting will follow shortly via the aforementioned mailing list.


Objective of the Working Group:


In the OTC derivatives market, consensus-based pricing is an essential data exchange mechanism for market participants to validate their asset valuations against independent prices so as to support product control functions. For greater consistency and efficiency we are trying to construct an industry standard common template for submitting to and getting OTC derivative pricing data back via a common model.

Meeting details:

·         Meeting link:

  • Meeting number: 127 642 4586
  • Password: J2SqF2Kp5X2
  • Join by video system: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
  • Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll | +44-20319-88141 UK Toll | Access code: 127 642 4586

Call for Contributors:

·         Product/Valuation Control SMEs from the contributing Banks, Consensus Service Providers.



Best Regards,


Abhishek Agarwalla

EMEA Equity Derivatives Product Control


Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd
Wing A - 150 ORR | Helios Business Park

Kadubeesanahalli | Bangalore 560103 | India
Tel (IN): +1-212-934-5957


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Aitana Myohl

Feb 18, 2021, 2:31:04 PM2/18/21
to Acland, Ffion,, Ian Sloyan
Hi Ffi,

thank you for stepping forward to lead the Financial Objects project. Following the support that your proposal has received over the past ten days, and the lack of objections from the community, we're delighted to confirm that you're the new lead for the FINOS Financial Objects project.

We encourage everyone to engage with the new FO modeling projects: Commodities Payout (, and Product Control Common Template ( on the FO GitHub repository, and to reach out to the project mailing lists with any questions.

Aitana Myohl | Strategic Initiatives Manager | FINOS
FINOS has joined the Linux Foundation to further accelerate the growth of open source in financial services. Get involved today and become a FINOS Member to contribute to building a truly open financial stack and ecosystem.

Agarwalla, Abhishek

Feb 22, 2021, 8:56:18 AM2/22/21
to,, Ian Sloyan, Aitana Myohl, Acland, Ffion, Poon, Kenneth, Thomas, Richard M

Hi FINOS Community,


A gentle reminder to join our upcoming Product Control Common Template working group kick off meeting at 10am ET / 3pm GMT.


Please find below the agenda and attached material for today’s meeting:

·         Convene & roll call

·         Display FINOS Antitrust Policy summary slide

·         FINOS Overview

·         Quick introduction from participants (company / background)

·         Overview of the initiative (problem statement / proposed solution / approach)

·         Introduction to CDM and Legend Studio

·         Q&A

Meeting details:

·         Meeting link:

  • Meeting number: 127 642 4586
  • Password: J2SqF2Kp5X2
  • Join by video system: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
  • Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll | +44-20319-88141 UK Toll | Access code: 127 642 4586

Call for Contributors:

·         Product/Valuation Control SMEs from the contributing Banks, Consensus Service Providers.


Stay up to date by sending an email to



Best Regards,


Abhishek Agarwalla

EMEA Equity Derivatives Product Control


Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd
Wing A - 150 ORR | Helios Business Park

Kadubeesanahalli | Bangalore 560103 | India
Tel (IN): +1-212-934-5957



From: Agarwalla, Abhishek [Controllers]
Sent: 18 February 2021 21:20
To: '' <>
Cc: '' <>; 'Ian Sloyan' <>; 'Aitana Myohl' <>; Acland, Ffion [Engineering] <>; Poon, Kenneth [Engineering] <>
Subject: RE: New Legend modelling initiatives under Financial Objects project


Hi FINOS Community,


A gentle reminder that the weekly Product Control Common Template working group will kick off on Monday, 22nd Feb 2021 at 10am ET / 3pm GMT.

In order to be a part of the exciting Initiative, you are encouraged to join the mailing list by sending an email to Agenda for the meeting will follow shortly via the aforementioned mailing list.


Objective of the Working Group:


In the OTC derivatives market, consensus-based pricing is an essential data exchange mechanism for market participants to validate their asset valuations against independent prices so as to support product control functions. For greater consistency and efficiency we are trying to construct an industry standard common template for submitting to and getting OTC derivative pricing data back via a common model.

Meeting details:

  • Meeting number: 127 642 4586
  • Password: J2SqF2Kp5X2
  • Join by video system: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
  • Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll | +44-20319-88141 UK Toll | Access code: 127 642 4586

Call for Contributors:

·         Product/Valuation Control SMEs from the contributing Banks, Consensus Service Providers.



Best Regards,


Abhishek Agarwalla

EMEA Equity Derivatives Product Control


Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd
Wing A - 150 ORR | Helios Business Park

Kadubeesanahalli | Bangalore 560103 | India
Tel (IN): +1-212-934-5957



From: 'Ian Sloyan' via FINOS General Community List <>

Sent: 12 February 2021 20:50
To: Acland, Ffion [Engineering] <>;

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Product Control Common Template" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Agarwalla, Abhishek

Mar 1, 2021, 7:35:33 AM3/1/21
to,, Aitana Myohl, Thomas, Richard M, Acland, Ffion

Hi FINOS Community,


A gentle reminder to join our upcoming Product Control Common Template working group kick off meeting at 10am ET / 3pm GMT.


Please find below the agenda and attached material for today’s meeting:

·         Convene & roll call

·         Display FINOS Antitrust Policy summary slide

·         Review Meeting Notices

·         Approve past meeting minutes

·         Vendor questions

·         CDM introduction

·         Legend Studio introduction

·         Transition Approach: Indicative Model to Model Mapping

·         Constituents and Structure of the Governance Process

·         Open discussion: How can we get more banks and suppliers to this working group

Meeting details:

·         Meeting link:

·         Meeting number: 127 642 4586

  • Password: J2SqF2Kp5X2
  • Join by video system: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
  • Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll | +44-20319-88141 UK Toll | Access code: 127 642 4586

Call for Contributors:

·         Product/Valuation Control SMEs from the contributing Banks, Consensus Service Providers.



Please Stay up to date by sending an email to



Best Regards,


Abhishek Agarwalla

EMEA Equity Derivatives Product Control


Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd
Wing A - 150 ORR | Helios Business Park

Kadubeesanahalli | Bangalore 560103 | India
Tel (IN): +1-212-934-5957



From: Agarwalla, Abhishek [Controllers]
Sent: 24 February 2021 22:07
To: '' <>
Cc: 'Aitana Myohl' <>; Thomas, Richard M [Controllers] <>; Acland, Ffion [Engineering] <>
Subject: RE: New Legend modelling initiatives under Financial Objects project


Hi FINOS Community,

Thanks a lot for attending the Product Control Common Template working group kick off meeting on Monday. Please find below and attached the minutes of the meeting:


# Minutes of the meeting:

- Project overview by Goldman Sachs. Core Idea and benefits discussed and agreed upon by participants.

- Additional benefit in terms of regulatory environment and FRTB filing from standardisation.

- Additional consideration points raised during the meeting relating to the project:

- Proposal of template governance process and including it in CDM ARC (Architecture and Review Committee).

- Proposal of change management process.

- Interchangeability of the model from current vanilla equity proof of concept to exotic templates.

- Discussed the need for a Steering Committee.

- Discussion on convergence of the existing contractual agreement with the existing vendors and creation of an interim process to facilitate the transition.

- Incorporation of the model for consensus pricing to be discussed in-depth.

- Discussion on exploring how to expand this initiative to the existing complete group of participating banks in the consensus, common identifier for the template, bespoke subscription requirement for different banks.


# Decisions Made:

- Decision to float a governance process in place before the data model finalisation.

- Decision on making it an open meeting with active participation, minimum attendance quorum, voting process on process discussed.


# Action Items:

- Creation and maintenance of a formal governance process guiding the common template model.

- Proposal of change management process.

- Set up further weekly meetings to help the working group with an initial overview and working knowledge of CDM and Legend Studio.


As a Follow up from the meeting, can we request you to:

(1) Get a GitHub account at,

(2) "watch" the FO repository in GitHub,

(3) Request a legend account at, and

(4) sign up for the mailing list along with your colleagues who would be interested in the initiative.


We will send across the next meeting agenda ahead of the meeting on 1st March’21.



Best Regards,


Abhishek Agarwalla

EMEA Equity Derivatives Product Control


Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd
Wing A - 150 ORR | Helios Business Park

Kadubeesanahalli | Bangalore 560103 | India
Tel (IN): +1-212-934-5957



From: Agarwalla, Abhishek [Controllers]
Sent: 22 February 2021 19:26
To: '' <>
Cc: '' <>; 'Ian Sloyan' <>; 'Aitana Myohl' <>; Acland, Ffion [Engineering] <>; Poon, Kenneth [Engineering] <>; Thomas, Richard M [Controllers] <>
Subject: RE: New Legend modelling initiatives under Financial Objects project


Hi FINOS Community,


A gentle reminder to join our upcoming Product Control Common Template working group kick off meeting at 10am ET / 3pm GMT.


Please find below the agenda and attached material for today’s meeting:

·         Convene & roll call

·         Display FINOS Antitrust Policy summary slide

·         FINOS Overview

·         Quick introduction from participants (company / background)

·         Overview of the initiative (problem statement / proposed solution / approach)

·         Introduction to CDM and Legend Studio

·         Q&A

Meeting details:

  • Meeting number: 127 642 4586
  • Password: J2SqF2Kp5X2
  • Join by video system: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
  • Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll | +44-20319-88141 UK Toll | Access code: 127 642 4586

Call for Contributors:

·         Product/Valuation Control SMEs from the contributing Banks, Consensus Service Providers.


Stay up to date by sending an email to



Best Regards,


Abhishek Agarwalla

EMEA Equity Derivatives Product Control


Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd
Wing A - 150 ORR | Helios Business Park

Kadubeesanahalli | Bangalore 560103 | India
Tel (IN): +1-212-934-5957



From: Agarwalla, Abhishek [Controllers]
Sent: 18 February 2021 21:20
To: '' <>
Cc: '' <>; 'Ian Sloyan' <>; 'Aitana Myohl' <>; Acland, Ffion [Engineering] <>; Poon, Kenneth [Engineering] <>
Subject: RE: New Legend modelling initiatives under Financial Objects project


Hi FINOS Community,


A gentle reminder that the weekly Product Control Common Template working group will kick off on Monday, 22nd Feb 2021 at 10am ET / 3pm GMT.

In order to be a part of the exciting Initiative, you are encouraged to join the mailing list by sending an email to Agenda for the meeting will follow shortly via the aforementioned mailing list.


Objective of the Working Group:


In the OTC derivatives market, consensus-based pricing is an essential data exchange mechanism for market participants to validate their asset valuations against independent prices so as to support product control functions. For greater consistency and efficiency we are trying to construct an industry standard common template for submitting to and getting OTC derivative pricing data back via a common model.

Meeting details:

  • Meeting number: 127 642 4586
  • Password: J2SqF2Kp5X2
  • Join by video system: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
  • Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll | +44-20319-88141 UK Toll | Access code: 127 642 4586

Call for Contributors:

·         Product/Valuation Control SMEs from the contributing Banks, Consensus Service Providers.



Best Regards,


Abhishek Agarwalla

EMEA Equity Derivatives Product Control


Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd
Wing A - 150 ORR | Helios Business Park

Kadubeesanahalli | Bangalore 560103 | India
Tel (IN): +1-212-934-5957



From: 'Ian Sloyan' via FINOS General Community List <>

Sent: 12 February 2021 20:50
To: Acland, Ffion [Engineering] <>;

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Product Control Common Template" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

FINOS - Product Control common template working group 01 Mar 2021.pptx

Agarwalla, Abhishek

Mar 3, 2021, 9:03:38 AM3/3/21
to,, Aitana Myohl, Thomas, Richard M, Acland, Ffion

Hi FINOS Community,

Thanks a lot for attending the Product Control Common Template kick off meeting II on Monday. Please find below and attached the minutes of the meeting:


# Minutes of the meeting:

·         Approval/questions on past meeting minutes. Remaining participants to review the circulated meeting minutes and raise questions, if any.

·         Product Coverage re-emphasized with vendors with broader long term industry benefits on standardization.

·         Discussion on sharing across the attributes on the current vanilla option template from various vendors in the working group to arrive at industry-wide common model to model mappings.

·         Overview of CDM (Common Domain Model) by ISDA - Benefits, Interoperability, Transparency & Accelerated Innovation.

·         Introduction of FINOS Legend Studio by project leads and indication of the working of the model to model mapping using Legend Studio.

·         Discussion on the proposed transition approach using Indicative Model to Model Mapping via Legend Studio

·         Couple of outstanding agenda that needs to be discussed in a later meeting – Governance process & Onboarding of a larger group of banks that currently use these consensus services on the common template working group.


# Decisions Made:

·         Proposal for kick off of a wider Working group to explore feasibility of the proposal and the indicative template model to model mapping idea.


# Action Items:

·         Participating Banks & Vendors to appoint volunteers for the working group to meet every week and create the model for ~ 1 month and then get back to the project maintainers to review the progress.


As a Follow up from the meeting, can we request you to please:

(1) Get a GitHub account at for all members/volunteers,

(2) "watch" the FO repository in GitHub,

(3) Request a legend account at for all members/volunteers, and

(4) Send across names, email id and GitHub id of volunteers for the working group by Friday, so that we can reach out to them ahead of the meeting next week.

(5) Can the untracked attendees please register their attendance through GH issues in this comment as tracking attendees is mandated by FINOS governance.


Please stay up to date by sending an email to We will be using this mailing distribution list henceforth for the working group communications.


Please feel free to reach out to us in case of any queries.

·         Meeting number: 127 642 4586

  • Password: J2SqF2Kp5X2
  • Join by video system: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
  • Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll | +44-20319-88141 UK Toll | Access code: 127 642 4586

Call for Contributors:

A gentle reminder to join our upcoming Product Control Common Template working group kick off meeting at 10am ET / 3pm GMT.


Please find below the agenda and attached material for today’s meeting:

·         Convene & roll call

·         Display FINOS Antitrust Policy summary slide

·         FINOS Overview

·         Quick introduction from participants (company / background)

·         Overview of the initiative (problem statement / proposed solution / approach)

·         Introduction to CDM and Legend Studio

·         Q&A

Meeting details:

  • Meeting number: 127 642 4586
  • Password: J2SqF2Kp5X2
  • Join by video system: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
  • Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll | +44-20319-88141 UK Toll | Access code: 127 642 4586

Call for Contributors:

·         Product/Valuation Control SMEs from the contributing Banks, Consensus Service Providers.


Stay up to date by sending an email to



Best Regards,


Abhishek Agarwalla

EMEA Equity Derivatives Product Control


Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd
Wing A - 150 ORR | Helios Business Park

Kadubeesanahalli | Bangalore 560103 | India
Tel (IN): +1-212-934-5957



From: Agarwalla, Abhishek [Controllers]
Sent: 18 February 2021 21:20
To: '' <>
Cc: '' <>; 'Ian Sloyan' <>; 'Aitana Myohl' <>; Acland, Ffion [Engineering] <>; Poon, Kenneth [Engineering] <>
Subject: RE: New Legend modelling initiatives under Financial Objects project


Hi FINOS Community,


A gentle reminder that the weekly Product Control Common Template working group will kick off on Monday, 22nd Feb 2021 at 10am ET / 3pm GMT.

In order to be a part of the exciting Initiative, you are encouraged to join the mailing list by sending an email to Agenda for the meeting will follow shortly via the aforementioned mailing list.


Objective of the Working Group:


In the OTC derivatives market, consensus-based pricing is an essential data exchange mechanism for market participants to validate their asset valuations against independent prices so as to support product control functions. For greater consistency and efficiency we are trying to construct an industry standard common template for submitting to and getting OTC derivative pricing data back via a common model.

Meeting details:

  • Meeting number: 127 642 4586
  • Password: J2SqF2Kp5X2
  • Join by video system: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
  • Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll | +44-20319-88141 UK Toll | Access code: 127 642 4586

Call for Contributors:

·         Product/Valuation Control SMEs from the contributing Banks, Consensus Service Providers.



Best Regards,


Abhishek Agarwalla

EMEA Equity Derivatives Product Control


Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd
Wing A - 150 ORR | Helios Business Park

Kadubeesanahalli | Bangalore 560103 | India
Tel (IN): +1-212-934-5957



From: 'Ian Sloyan' via FINOS General Community List <>
Sent: 12 February 2021 20:50
To: Acland, Ffion [Engineering] <>;

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Product Control Common Template" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

FINOS - Product Control common template working group 01 Mar 2021.pptx
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