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*NEW Contribution to FINOS - TimeBase CE event-oriented time-series database and messaging middleware

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John Burton

Jul 11, 2021, 4:30:37 AM7/11/21
to, James McLeod, Gabriele Columbro, Tosha Ellison, Alexandra Stratigos, Christopher Howard, Balazs Fejes1, Panos Archondakis, Stuart Farr, Ilya Gorelik, Aliaksandr Karpovich, Andy Malakov,, Patricia Karalis, Julie Hansberry, Natalie Gross, Kelly Lyons

FINOS members and stakeholders,


On behalf of EPAM I am delighted to announce a new significant contribution that we transferred on Friday and now resides in FINOS.


What are we contributing….


TimeBase Community Edition (“TimeBase CE”) is an event-oriented time-series database and messaging middleware with its roots in capital markets. It is extremely fast (typically over one million messages per second per core) and may be deployed on single or multiple compute nodes. Designed for serving analytical applications, TimeBase CE’s API’s provide seamless transition between historical and real-time data.


Who is this aimed at…


TimeBase CE was designed to solve business goals for both buy-side and sell-side institutions who need very fast population and retrieval of massive volumes of time-series data and delivering that data for subsequent use by both in-house and third-party software.


It also supports MiFID II legislative framework.


Across industries, TimeBase CE is applicable for anyone – or any IoT device - looking to aggregate and/or stream data for intensive (high volume, low-latency) real-time and historical analytics.


Why are we doing this now…


EPAM are advocates of Open Source and have already contributed a data model called GLUE and now TimeBase CE further supports EPAM’s commitment to the FINOS community.


What is our aspiration from contributing TimeBase CE…


We are committed to Open Source and will drive and evangelise TimeBase CE to become the “go to” data platform for real-time data analytics applications. We will work with FINOS to shine a light on the capabilities and use cases that TimeBase CE can bring across investment banking, hedge funds, Payments, IoT and wherever real-time event driven data is valuable.


What to do next / who to contact…


Contact me in the first instance and I will make sure you connect with the right engineers in EPAM to learn more or discuss use cases.


There is more useful content at




Director, Marketing 

Office:  +34 518 88-94-39 #48971

Cell:  +44 7803 201197 


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Avenida Imperio Argentina, 19-21, Malaga, Spain

Timezone: (UTC+01:00) 

Working Remotely 




John Burton

Jul 12, 2021, 7:46:58 AM7/12/21
to, James McLeod, Gabriele Columbro, Tosha Ellison, Alexandra Stratigos, Christopher Howard, Balazs Fejes1, Panos Archondakis, Stuart Farr, Ilya Gorelik, Aliaksandr Karpovich, Andy Malakov,, Patricia Karalis, Julie Hansberry, Natalie Gross, Kelly Lyons


FINOS members and stakeholders,


On behalf of EPAM I am delighted to announce a new significant contribution that we transferred on Friday and now resides in FINOS:

John Burton

Jul 12, 2021, 7:50:05 AM7/12/21
Thanks James - done and resent


Sent from my iPhone

On 12 Jul 2021, at 13:46, John Burton <> wrote:



Nigel Hyde

Jul 12, 2021, 8:20:16 AM7/12/21
to 'John Burton' via FINOS Announcements

I'm out on holidays until 17th April.


I will have limited access to the internet but I will get back to you.


If you need something resolved quickly please contact and a member of the team will contact you.





Nigel Hyde


Gabriele Columbro

Jul 12, 2021, 11:34:34 AM7/12/21
to John Burton,, James McLeod, Tosha Ellison, Alexandra Stratigos, Christopher Howard, Balazs Fejes1, Panos Archondakis, Stuart Farr, Ilya Gorelik, Aliaksandr Karpovich, Andy Malakov,, Patricia Karalis, Julie Hansberry, Natalie Gross, Kelly Lyons
Congratulations to the Timebase team for a successful contribution to FINOS! Very much looking forward to seeing the community grow around the project.



Gabriele Columbro | Executive Director | FINOS


FINOS just announced the first Open Source in Financial Services Survey.  Take a few minutes to complete it and help us celebrate the growth of the movement in the industry!

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