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Regulation Innovation Special Interest

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Hollowbread, I. (Ian)

Nov 23, 2020, 1:55:42 PM11/23/20
to, David Ehrich, Aitana Myohl, Tosha Ellison

Dear FINOS Community, 


As you may have heard at OSSF a couple of weeks ago (or seen in the press release) the FINOS Governing board has approved the creation of a Regulation Innovation Special Interest Group (SIG)The SIG is part of the broader Open RegTech initiative launched by FINOS earlier this year and brings together a community of people interested in creating open source solutions for regulatory and compliance issues in financial services. 

We had our kick-off meeting two weeks ago and the group will reconvene on a biweekly basis. Please join us for the next session tomorrow, November 24th at 12pm ET, where we will hear demos from existing solutions that the group may leverage to address issues in regulatory compliance and reporting (see the full agenda here).
Both myself and ‘my partner in crime’ David Ehrich I are co-chairing the Regulation Innovation SIG with fantastic support from the Finos team!


Feel free to get in touch if you'd like to get involved, learn more and please subscribe to the mailing list by sending a note to 



Ian & David


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Gabriele Columbro

Dec 2, 2020, 2:26:28 PM12/2/20
to Hollowbread, I. (Ian),, David Ehrich, Aitana Myohl, Tosha Ellison
Ian and David,

a little belated thank you for your leadership in getting this high potential initiative started in FINOS. This is one of the collaborations that we consider most strategic, not just at Governing Board level but truly across the industry, given the early momentum and outstanding feedback.

I encourage the whole Community to participate, provide ideas and sweat equity, because this SIG and projects / standards that might spun out of it, have a true potential to be a positive sum game, good for the industry and for each of the constituents part-taking in it.

Congrats and looking forward to seeing this effort grow and shine in 2021!


Gabriele Columbro | Executive Director | FINOS


FINOS recently announced the availability of Legend, the logical modeling and language contributed by Goldman Sachs. Get sandbox access and contribute to the platform or join us at Open Source Strategy Forum in November to learn more!

FINOS (now part of the Linux Foundation) hosts the largest community of open source contributors in Financial Services. Contribute to our projects and become a Member to help us build a true open financial stack and ecosystem. 

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