New SIG Announcement : DevOps Mutualization Contributed to FINOS

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Shukla, Amol

Jan 8, 2021, 2:22:23 PM1/8/21
to, Anders Wallgren, James McLeod

Dear FINOS Community,
I am excited to announce that DevOps Mutualization was successfully contributed as a Special Interest Group to FINOS and it’s now available at
The SIG will provide a platform for members to share their approaches on how they accelerate DevOps adoption while providing continuous compliance and assurance.

Based on 2020 SIG banking member feedback, we have identified two themes that we'll be focusing on in 2021.  

  • How are banks orchestrating DevOps and the 'Glue' utilized to create existing self-service workflows? #2
  • Structuring conversations around SDLC and Iterating the different types of evidence that needs to be produced #4    

Subscribe to the DevOps Mutualization mailing list by emailing and find DevOps Mutualization Meetings on GitHub to join the next SIG group session.

You can also contact the SIG leadership directly by emailing and

Your feedback, issues, and contributions are more than welcome.  To contribute please raise a new issue or add a comment to existing issues here, noting the 2 current focus areas - SDLC evidence and self service glue.

Thanks to the DevOps Mutualization members and the FINOS Community for a warm welcome!
Amol Shukla and Anders Wallgren


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