UBS Contributes Vuu - A Realtime View Server to Finos

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Stevenson, Chris-ZA

Feb 8, 2023, 9:37:03 AM2/8/23

Dear FINOS Community,

I am excited to announce that Vuu has been successfully contributed to FINOS by UBS and is hosted at It is in incubation status.

Vuu has been built to allow the creation of trading and risk user-interfaces which want access to large tabular datasets (up to 10m rows), but where we want to offload the cost of filtering, sorting, treeing and view-porting of that data onto the server. Vuu comes with a typescript data connectivity layer which allows the UI developers to code as if the dataset is managed locally, with comms occurring over encrypted websockets. It also contains some reference controls (such as a React based grid) that are optimized for communication against the view server.


The main project contains a sample application (SimulMain.scala) that can be started with maven and yarn.


The most recent release is 0.4.44, available for download at Documentation is a work in progress but is available at and you can reach out to the project team on Slack at

Your feedback, issues, and contributions are more than welcome. See for more information on how to contribute.


Thanks to the FINOS Community for a warm welcome!


Chris Stevenson

Steve Heron

Emily Cheung

Allan Jakobsen

Michael Banham

Marina Bambang


Colin Eberhardt (He/Him)

Feb 9, 2023, 11:55:22 AM2/9/23
to, Stevenson, Chris-ZA
This is fantastic, well done Chris, Steve and team,

I've been involved in a number of trading platform projects in the past where we've either bought or built this functionality. It's great to see that we now have an open source alternative. If this had existed a few years ago, I'd definitely have used it!

I, and all of Scott Logic, are very happy to support the ongoing efforts around Vuu. 

This is going to be an important project for FINOS' portfolio.

Regards, Colin E.

From: 'Stevenson, Chris-ZA' via FINOS Announcements <>
Sent: 08 February 2023 14:36
To: <>
Subject: [FINOS Community] UBS Contributes Vuu - A Realtime View Server to Finos
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