New Project announcement: Backplane now Open Source in FINOS

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Kumar Giri, Vivek (Commercial & Institutional CDIO)

Dec 23, 2022, 2:54:52 AM12/23/22
to, Haines, Aaron (Commercial & Institutional CDIO), Bhutani, Manish (Commercial & Institutional CDIO)

Dear FINOS Community,


I am pleased to announce that the Backplane project has been successfully contributed to FINOS.

Backplane is a Desktop Agent Bridge which allows FDC3 Desktop Agents to connect and share messages across different contexts and machine boundaries.


Where the FDC3 Desktop Agent API addresses interoperability between apps running within the context of a single Desktop Agent, Backplane addresses the interconnection of Desktop Agents such that apps running under different Desktop Agents can also interoperate, allowing workflows to span across multiple Desktop Agents and even across multiple machines.


Watch a quick demo here:


Find out more and contribute at

Your feedback, issues, and contributions are more than welcome.


See for more information on how to contribute.


Thanks to the FINOS Community for a warm welcome!



Vivek Kumar Giri



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