Announcing the InnerSource SIG

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Clare Dillon

Mar 3, 2021, 8:12:16 AM3/3/21
to, InnerSource SIG Leadership

Hi All,


I am delighted to announce the formation of the new FINOS InnerSource Special Interest Group.


You are probably already familiar with InnerSource – but just in case: InnerSource is the use of open source best practices for software development to create proprietary code within the confines of an organization. Apart from being a great step on the path to open source readiness, InnerSource can help break down silos, encourage internal collaboration and innovation, and accelerate new engineer on-boarding.


The InnerSource SIG gives FINOS members the opportunity to  share best practices, patterns and anti-patterns and potentially related code (e.g. for InnerSource tooling) in a secure environment. You can find out more information on our GitHub repo and join the mailing list and stay up to date by sending a note to


We will be having our first InnerSource SIG meeting on March 10th at 10am EST/3pm UTC. We hope to see you there!


And if you can’t wait that long – please do join us at today’s Open Source Readiness event to hear Arthur Maltson and Roderick Randolph share Capital One’s InnerSource journey.


Kind regards,



Clare Dillon

InnerSource SIG Secretary


Gabriele Columbro

Mar 11, 2021, 11:35:59 AM3/11/21
to Clare Dillon, InnerSource SIG Leadership,
Thanks Clare and the whole Innersource SIG team!

This has been one of the groups with the highest degree of support and interest since its proposal and I think it speaks loud and clear to the culture shift happening in the industry.

We look forward to working with you to accelerate that shift - congratulations and thanks for all your contributions so far!


Gabriele Columbro | Executive Director | FINOS


FINOS recently announced the availability of Legend, the logical modeling and language contributed by Goldman Sachs. Get sandbox access and contribute to the platform!

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