New Project announcement: Symphony BDK for Python now Open Source under the Application / Symphony Ecosystem Program

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Olivier Poupeney

Aug 25, 2021, 5:05:41 PM8/25/21
Dear FINOS Community,

I am excited to announce that Symphony BDK for Python was successfully contributed to the Application / Symphony Ecosystem program and it's now available as a FINOS hosted project at
The BDK 2.0 is the latest version of the Symphony Bot Developer Kit, a library of tools and intelligent API bindings that provides an ultra simplified configuration and authentication setup, intuitive message and room management and a new activities API that makes it easy to facilitate bot workflows.
The most current release is 2.0b6, available for download at:

Documentation is available at  We are also preparing a free training and certification program that will be available soon on You can reach out to the project team at:

Your feedback, issues, and contributions are more than welcome. See for more information on how to contribute. Thanks to the Application / Symphony Ecosystem PMC and to the FINOS Community for a warm welcome!

Olivier Poupeney

Director, Developer Relations

logo Symphony Communication Services LLC

565 5th Ave, New York, NY 10017


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