FINOS Morphir

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Goldbaum, Stephen

Sep 8, 2020, 10:06:35 AM9/8/20

Dear FINOS Community,



I am pleased to announce that Morphir has been successfully contributed into FINOS.  Morphir was originally developed at Morgan Stanley from the desire to give our business users more application transparency while also protecting our core business logic from rapid changes in technology.  At its core, Morphir defines a standard structure for storing business logic and a set of tools to enable producing and consuming that logic across languages and technologies.  It has been used to consolidate rules and calculations, share logic across systems, automate live documentation, automate boilerplate code, and more. 


Morphir is in active development and it will be exciting to see how it can contribute to the broader FINOS ecosystem.  The current streams of focus are:


                     Multi-Language Support – Morphir supports writing and executing models in multiple languages.  We currently generate JVM (via Scala) and JavaScript.  We are working with Microsoft Research to also enable Bosque as a language for specifying Morphir models.

                     Application Modeling – Using Morphir so service developers write pure business logic and the rest is automated.  Our initial project generates and deploys a full Dapr project from a Morphir model.  We’re now doing the same for the Spring Boot technology stack.

                     Unified Stream & Batch Data Processing – Using Morphir to write data process models that can run across database and streaming technologies.  We’re currently focusing on Spark and hope to expand to SQL, Kafka Streams, Flink, Hazelcast, etc.

                     Visualization Tools – Enabling automated documentation and live audit tools through a set of standard UI components.

                     Within FINOS - We anticipate applicability to the Alloy and FinReg initiatives. 


The progress and potential in all of these projects depends on community contributions; from coding to documentation.  Please visit the welcome page and main repo in GitHub for more information and feel free to contact us via GitHub Issues or directly through email.







Stephen Goldbaum, Executive Director   
Morgan Stanley | Corporate & Funding Technology   
1221 Avenue of the Americas, 4th Floor | New York, NY  10020   
Phone: +1 212 762-7163   


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Gabriele Columbro

Sep 8, 2020, 4:24:58 PM9/8/20
to Goldbaum, Stephen,
Stephen and team, thank you for this so very exciting contribution and for the trust in FINOS to help the team grow in contributors and adopters.

I am particularly excited as we are seeing a lot of early traction on the open source financial regulation initiative and this project is a very concrete example of how common OSS technology can be used in the regulatory process.

Looking forward to seeing the project grow even further under FINOS!


Gabriele Columbro | Executive Director | FINOS


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