Hi Luis, You MUST pass 100% of the test cases required for FIDO Certification to be prompted to submit results for FIDO Certification. The prompt and ability to submit results will not appear for anything less than 100%. A vendor is welcome to submit multiple results, but it is important to submit results reflecting the implementation's metadata that will be used to complete certification just before participating and interoperability testing. As part of the certification process, conformance results and the respective authenticator metadata are compared and evaluated as part of the interoperability testing step. The same authenticator metadata is again compared and evaluated during the security evaluation step that follows interoperability testing. This validation ensures the implementation is the same from the start to the end of certification. If changes do occur, then steps are followed by FIDO Certification and Vendor to record and reconcile such changes as part of certification.
If needed, please contact certif...@fidoalliance.org for additional follow-up.
Thank you,
Paul Heim | Certification Director | FIDO Alliance
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