Moreover, I have temporarily added the support for this subcommand
getPinUvAuthTokenUsingPinWithPermissions just to try to get rid of the test tool failure at this point, but now I have encountered two additional inconsistencies with the spec (from my point of view).
At the beginning of the section titled "Authr-ClientPin2-GetPinUvAuthTokenUsingPinWithPermissions Test authenticatorClientPin(0x06), of version 0x02 support of getPinUvAuthTokenUsingPinWithPermissions(0x09) commands" I have detected that the subcommand being sent is invalid but the test expects it to succeed. And this happens twice.
The first invalid subcommand 0x09 has the following content (this is the actual data being received by the authenticator):
1: 2,
2: 9,
3: {
1: 2,
3: -25,
-1: 1,
-2: h'EAC4B8E3FA032D36FEB8B95224E73945AF16057DDC1F2303DF61905636663D1E',
-3: h'7D382128A0241CC7D1D43BFD187742D5D013C678302B92541443B6B4C58902E2'
6: h'B083AB994A36DF7EDF5E2A8F34BF1247996A4CF99247EF885FB22BCE896D2150',
9: 0,
so the permissions input (item 9) is 0, and the command MUST be rejected with code CTAP1_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER. (as stated in - point 3.4.3). The authenticator is properly rejecting the command, but the test tool expects the return to be a success and, therefore, marks the test as failed.
The second one is:
1: 2,
2: 9,
3: {
1: 2,
3: -25,
-1: 1,
-2: h'800F4535297B429151A9A828E290D885F510E95C074CFF641B4F75754F484833',
-3: h'10BEC7145C9603D6FF90224D1A3C46A651A240408501B196004D6218DF51276C'
6: h'0BCCEE851AC8AB4EB5CB7D3A3A34A846FA0968038F9E9E156E79C42A30055F13',
9: 1,
so the permissions input now is 1 (for makeCredential). However, as you can see in the response to the authenticatorGetInfo command I included in my previous post, I am using option noMcGaPermissionsWithClientPin as true. So, as stated in - point 3.4.4, this command MUST be rejected with code CTAP2_ERR_UNAUTHORIZED_PERMISSION, and so is doing the authenticator. But, again, the test tool expectes the command to succeed and, therefore, marks ths test as failed.
By the way, I have no major interest in using this option noMcGaPermissionsWithClientPin, I just included it as a way of avoiding the use of this subcommand 0x09 by the test tool (which obviously didn't work).
Please, can you provided clarification about the use of this subcommands in an authenticator with a configuration as shown in my previous post ? Is this a tool bug or am I missing something?