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Use Case missing for WebAuthn Registration with Roaming Authenticator (smartphone)

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chunilal kukreja

May 22, 2024, 12:45:55 PM5/22/24
to FIDO Dev (fido-dev)

I am developing a use case where when a user access a protected web app using password-less authn flow, user should be able to verify the user-presence using roaming authenticator (smartphone).

Here first how registration flow should work between roaming authenticator & RP?
Second, What should be the mechanism used to connect b/w client on desktop/laptop and roaming authenticator (smartphone).


Tim Cappalli

May 28, 2024, 1:52:51 PM5/28/24
to FIDO Dev (fido-dev), chunilal kukreja
This is a standard WebAuthn flow using a passkey. 

>> Here first how registration flow should work between roaming authenticator & RP?

The registration flow is explained in detail in the WebAuthn specification:

>> Second, What should be the mechanism used to connect b/w client on desktop/laptop and roaming authenticator (smartphone).

FIDO Cross-Device Authentication is used for registering and/or using a passkey on another device. There is nothing special that an RP needs to do.
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