AAGUID registration

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Drake Felix

Oct 4, 2024, 4:17:56 PMOct 4
to FIDO Dev (fido-dev)
Hello All, 
I have a slight confusion regarding passkey aaguid registration,I am developing FIDO 2 passkey based on Webauthn(Software based passkey) Initially I have to make a pull request in  passkey-authenticator-aaguids git repo and the confusion part is do I need to also register in fido MDS inorder to display my company logo and name  in the rp or the git repo is more than enough.

If I need to register in fido mds, I believe I must create a meta data blob, what are the required fields for me, Is AAGUID, status reports and Time of last status change enough and what should I fill in Time of last status change ,Thank you


Drake Felix

Oct 4, 2024, 4:17:56 PMOct 4
to FIDO Dev (fido-dev)

Hello All, I'm a little confused about passkey aaguid registration, so I read the documentation https://developer.android.com/identity/sign-in/credential-manager#show-info. To begin, I need to submit a pull request to the passkey-authenticator-aaguids git repository and upload my data. Is it necessary to register in Fido MDS to display the logo and name of Zoho in the rp, or is the git repo sufficient?

If I need to register in Fido MDS, I assume I must create a meta data blob. What are the required fields for me? Is AAGUID, status reports, and Time of last status change sufficient, and what should I enter in Time of last status change?Thank you!


Tim Cappalli

Dec 3, 2024, 3:41:15 PM (3 days ago) Dec 3
to Drake Felix, FIDO Dev (fido-dev)
The passkey provider AAGUID list is a temporary solution and will be replaced by MDS in the future, so it is best to ensure your AAGUID is also in MDS. Entries will not be migrated.

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