I am using an external USB fido2 security key. When I register it as a passkey and no other passkeys are registered, I can use it to login to my google account.
But if I create another passkey using windows hello pin, I do not get any option to select my external USB device as passkey on the login page.
Also if I am using a Fetian USB FIDO security key and create a passkey with it along with my USB device. I can login only using Fetian key.
There is another observation. When I registered my device as passkey, there was an option that appeared in google account -> settings -> passkey page as "Try Passkey". I can successfully verify my passkey there, even when added along with a win hello pin as a passkey.
However if I register on Fetian device as a passkey, I do not get the option of "Try Passkey"
Did anybody observe a similar issue?