Expected value for authenticatorAttachment in hybrid authentication flow

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Shane Weeden

Aug 21, 2024, 11:41:32 AMAug 21
to FIDO Dev (fido-dev)
Can anyone explain if there is a defined, expected return value for authenticatorAttachment (https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#dom-publickeycredential-authenticatorattachment) when the hybrid flow is used?

On Chrome I see "cross-platform", and on Safari I see "platform".

The inconsistency is not desirable. My interpretation is that Chrome is returning what I expect, and Safari is not.

Tim Cappalli

Aug 21, 2024, 11:49:17 AMAug 21
to Shane Weeden, FIDO Dev (fido-dev)
Hybrid is a cross-platform transport, so authenticatorAttachment should be `cross-platform`.

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