ESA-28: Update on the POODLE Attack

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Eucalyptus Security Team

Oct 20, 2014, 1:57:18 PM10/20/14
ESA-28: The POODLE Attack

Eucalyptus Security Advisory

Advisory ID: ESA-28
Issue Date: 2014-10-15
Last Updated: 2014-10-20
Severity Level: Important
Affected Products: Eucalyptus Management Console, Eucalyptus 4.0
CVE Number: CVE­-2014­-3566


The Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption (POODLE) attack affects SSL 3.0 and allows for a man-in-the-middle attack against SSL/TLS connections. This vulnerability affects Eucalyptus Management Console when HTTPS is used. It also can affect load balancers created using eucalyptus-load-balancer-image v1.0.5-1.1.2 if SSL or HTTPS protocols are used. We recommend disabling SSL 3.0 on the console to address this issue. An updated eucalyptus-load-balancer-image package is now available for Eucalyptus 4.0. We recommend updating all affected EMIs and instances launched from them as soon as possible.


The POODLE attack has been announced against SSL 3.0:

This vulnerability allows for a man-in-the-middle attack against SSL/TLS connections. If an application repeatedly sends the same data over an SSL 3.0 connection, a selected byte of a cipher text can be decrypted by an attacker in as few as 256 tries. This vulnerability can be exploited if both a client and a server support SSL 3.0. The attack can allow to, for example, steal secure cookies in web applications.

All versions of Eucalyptus Management Console are affected by the vulnerability.

This vulnerability also affects HTTPS/SSL load balancers created from eucalyptus-load-balancer-image v1.0.5-1.1.2. This specifically affects any load balancers that work with applications that repeatedly send (or can be forced to repeatedly send) sensitive data over SSL.


As of Eucalyptus Management Console 4.0.0, nginx is required to enable secure communication with the console:

To disable SSL 3.0 on nginx, add the following line to the SSL configuration section in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

New eucalyptus-load-balancer-image package with disabled SSL 3.0 is now available for Eucalyptus 4.0:



Disabling SSL 3.0 support on the client (such as in the browser) is a sufficient measure to protect against the POODLE attack.


Contact the Eucalyptus Security Team at

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