Advancing Women's Empowerment Virtual Learning Series

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Welcome to Advancing Women’s Empowerment’s Virtual Learning Series Ask the Expert conversation which is part of Learning Burst 3! This chat will open on Wednesday June 14 at 9 AM EST. On this platform, you will be able to engage with a panel of four experts on topics such as the importance of social inclusion data for the private sector, tools and approaches to measure the impact of inclusive business practices, and the value of collecting and applying social inclusion data. We have some pre-developed questions that everyone (experts and participants) can respond to but feel free to ask your own questions as well!

  • Erin Markel, Gender and Social Inclusion Expert, MarketShare Associates
  • Sokhna Gaye, Gender Expert,  The Impacting Gender & Nutrition through Innovative Technical Exchange in Agriculture (IGNITE) project
  • Yaquta Fatehi, Program Manager, William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan
  • Javaid Rafat, Technical Associate, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL), Resonance
To familiarize yourself with Google Groups, please review our guide. Please also review our community guidelines for posting and code of conduct

Quick tips for posting:
  • To post a question to any of our experts, please start a new conversation and include who you are directing the question to and a short summary. For example: "Question to Sokhna: Working with Financial Institutions"
  • We encourage you to 'Reply All' and keep conversations public so that everyone can learn and benefit.
  • Finally, when posting your thoughts or opinions, please remember that this is a public forum where everyone can see them.