another new group

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Ruth Dudley

Sep 19, 2010, 6:50:30 AM9/19/10
to Welcome
I have started another group:- disAbility, joys & frustrations.
Working on the theory that we all have disabilities - (some folk wear
their's on the outside but for some their disability is hidden deep
inside) this will be a place where we can share stories of our joys
and frustrations. Everyone is invited.

Elsa Clark

Sep 19, 2010, 9:38:30 AM9/19/10
to Welcome, Ruth Dudley
Sounds like a great group, Ruth. I'll be among the disAbled.

Val Perrins

Sep 19, 2010, 4:05:45 PM9/19/10
to Welcome
I have created a new group, too, because I need help in choosing a new
website location for my church's website. It's called

"Help Me Create A Church Website"

I need help because I'm not a techie, and I need to find a good, easy,
cheap or free site to do this.

If you can help, please join my group.


Val Perrins

On Sep 19, 6:50 am, Ruth Dudley <> wrote:

Paul Parlow

Oct 4, 2010, 10:00:07 AM10/4/10
to Welcome, Ruth Dudley
Since we have two grandsons with autism we have become extremely
aware of the fact that we all have dis abilities. One of our dis
abilities is knowing how to work with our grandsons. They are teaching
us a lot as we listen, watch, hear and see them each day.

On Sep 19, 6:50 am, Ruth Dudley <> wrote:
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