A query for an empty PubMed ID incorrectly returns a result

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Karoly Erdos

May 31, 2023, 5:23:16 AM5/31/23
to Europe PMC Developer Forum

We reported a bug a while ago and we got an id back: EuropePMC #657887.
Could some tell us what would be the matching URL to track the status of this bug, please?

Here is the brief description of this bug:

Currently a query for an empty PubMed ID incorrectly returns a result; you can try it yourself:


{"version":"6.8","hitCount":1,"request":{"queryString":"SRC:MED AND EXT_ID:","resultType":"lite","cursorMark":"*","pageSize":25,"sort":"","synonym":false},"resultList":{"result":[{"id":"35811804","source":"MED","pmid":"35811804","pmcid":"PMC9218589","fullTextIdList":{"fullTextId":["PMC9218589"]},"doi":"10.12688/f1000research.109080.2","title":"Recommendations for the formatting of Variant Call Format (VCF) files to make plant genotyping data FAIR.","authorString":"Beier S, Fiebig A, Pommier C, Liyanage I, Lange M, Kersey PJ, Weise S, Finkers R, Koylass B, Cezard T, Courtot M, Contreras-Moreira B, Naamati G, Dyer S, Scholz U.","journalTitle":"F1000Res","journalVolume":"11","pubYear":"2022","journalIssn":"2046-1402","pageInfo":"ELIXIR-231","pubType":"research support, non-u.s. gov't; discussion; journal article","isOpenAccess":"Y","inEPMC":"Y","inPMC":"N","hasPDF":"Y","hasBook":"N","hasSuppl":"N","citedByCount":2,"hasReferences":"Y","hasTextMinedTerms":"Y","hasDbCrossReferences":"N","hasLabsLinks":"Y","hasTMAccessionNumbers":"Y","tmAccessionTypeList":{"accessionType":["bioproject","gca","biosample"]},"firstIndexDate":"2022-07-12","firstPublicationDate":"2022-02-24"}]}}

Many thanks,


Europe PMC Developer Forum

May 31, 2023, 8:18:21 AM5/31/23
to Europe PMC Developer Forum, Karoly Erdos

Dear Karoly,

Thanks for reporting this bug. There is a ticket to fix this but due to the team's current workload the priority is low and this will not be implemented for some time. 

Is this bug having an impact on Gene Expression's work at all?

Best wishes,



Frances Rogers

Europe PMC Helpdesk

Karoly Erdos

May 31, 2023, 11:03:52 AM5/31/23
to Europe PMC Developer Forum, Europe PMC Developer Forum
Hi Fran,

Thanks for your quick reply.
We have a workaround for this issue in place. I just wanted to add as a comment to the code the URL of the ticket if anybody touches that code later, they would be able to check whether in the meantime you fixed that bug and in that case remove that workaround if it is not needed anymore.

We just got an ID from your system, but not the URL of the ticket.

If you could shared that with us I would be grateful.

Many thanks and have a nice day,


P.S.: I got your reply as an email and I sent a reply from my mail client, but I got it back as Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender. It is not very user-friendly I would say 😉 Maybe, your forum is not properly configured? Thanks
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