Postdoc opportunities at Southern University of Science and Technology

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Zhu, Hejun

Sep 17, 2024, 4:16:09 PM9/17/24
The Seismic Imaging Lab in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at Southern University of Science and Technology invites applicants for several positions of postdoctoral researchers and research assistant/associate professors, who will be supported and mentored by Prof. Hejun Zhu. Our research group works on (1) exploring Earth’s physical properties and tectonic evolution using advanced seismic imaging technologiesand (2) monitoring crustal responses to a variety of environmental changes, such as groundwater fluctuation, icesheet melting, etc. These researchers will work on projects related to continental-scale tomography for crustal and mantle structures, active and passive source monitoring for environmental processes, etc. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in Seismology or a related field by the time of hire. The successful applicant should have experience with seismic modeling and imaging techniques (such as full waveform inversion) or ambient noise data analysis, and high performance computing (HPC). The positions are initially for two years, and are renewable depending upon performance.  

Applicants should submit a CV listing their publications along with a statement of research interests and a cover letter which includes contact information for three professional references, to Prof. Hejun Zhu ( Review of applications will start immediately, and this position will remain open until filled. Please contact Prof. Hejun Zhu ( for more information about these positions.
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