AGU Session EP006: Surface hazards and their cascades at AGU

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Marin Clark

Aug 1, 2023, 6:00:10 PM8/1/23

We invite submissions to our session on hazards across Earth’s surface. We are particularly interested to hear from a range of processes that lead to hazards and their interactions across diverse environments! The session will explore the cutting-edge science at the heart of the NSF-sponsored Center for Land Surface Hazards (CLaSH) catalyst proposal and recent NSF initiative to support fundamental research that informs adaptive and/or resilient responses to natural hazards and disasters ( 


Invited speakers:

Chris Massey, GNS, New Zealand

Katy Barnhart, USGS, USA


Session Title:

EP006. Cascading Hazards: Linking Processes Across Earth’s Surface

Session Description:

Natural hazards often initiate a cascade of processes across the Earth’s surface that can propagate the consequences to life and property well beyond the triggering event. Both climatic (e.g., weather events, wildfire, and climate change) and geologic (e.g., earthquake and volcano) events can trigger landslides, debris flow, as well as multi-hazard chains related to sedimentation and floods. Moreover, the spatially variable and ever evolving properties of the Earth’s surface may induce a range of compound and cascading hazards as the landscape responds to these changing conditions. This session will highlight the cutting-edge science at the core of a proposed NSF-sponsored Solid Earth Geohazards Center for Land Surface Hazards (CLaSH). Presentations will explore both individual processes and the hazard cascade across a range of environments of Earth’s surface. We encourage submissions from various aspects of cascading hazard chains and approaches such as observational, theoretical, modeling, and applied studies.



The conveners:

Brian Yanites, Indiana University-Bloomington

Corina Cerovski-Darriau, USGS

Ben Mason, USGS

Seulgi Moon, UCLA

Marin K. Clark
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Michigan
2534 North University Building
1100 North University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1005
p: +1 734 615 0484
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