Participate in the 2023 Earth Educators' Rendezvous

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Mitchell Bender-Awalt

Apr 25, 2023, 5:41:54 PM4/25/23
Dear EarthScope community members,

Join the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) at the 2023 Earth Educators' Rendezvous, July 10-14 in Pasadena, CA. Attend the Rendezvous and learn about new teaching approaches, discover opportunities to get involved in research programs, prepare for or enhance your academic career, and/or explore new approaches to teaching and learning challenges in your classroom.

The EER early registration deadline is Wednesday, May 3 - don't miss out on the lowest rates! NAGT members receive an additional $100 off. If you are not yet an NAGT member, you can join today! Don't miss these upcoming deadlines:

EER's flexible program allows you to design your own professional development

The Rendezvous Program format and its variety of topics allow you to participate in programming that meets your specific interests and needs. Choose from a suite of engaging multi-day workshops, mini-workshops, round-table discussions, plenary talks, field trips, lab tours, and more. Explore Rendezvous program themes or search the program.

Share your teaching and research

The Contributed Program, consisting of oral presentations, posters, teaching demos, and Share-a-Thon presentations, offers a venue for sharing your work with the Earth Science education community. There is still time to submit a late poster session abstract or a Share-a-Thon proposal. Make sure to submit your abstract for consideration by Wednesday, May 17, 2023.

Book your accommodations

A variety of lodging options are available to Rendezvous participants, including local hotels and on-campus housing at Caltech. See below for a short list of available options. Interested in staying at Caltech? Book your accommodations now - the deadline for on-campus housing is May 3. 

Order your EER 2023 t-shirt

Take home a piece of the Rendezvous! Get your Rendezvous 2023 commemorative t-shirt. This year's shirt design features the San Andreas fault running through the Carrizo Plain, locale of one of our field trips. Free shipping on t-shirts is available between April 29 and May 3! Check out the Rendezvous shirt and additional EER and NAGT products in the NAGT Store.

Mitchell Bender-Awalt, M.S. (he/him)
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