[Scheduled Maintenance]Upgrading Database

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Doug Ertz

Mar 6, 2023, 1:14:11 PM3/6/23
to data-anno...@earthscope.org, EarthScope General
Start Time: 2023-03-07 06:00 MST
End Time: 2023-03-07 10:00 MST

On March 7, 2023, the EarthScope InfraStructure Platform group will be upgrading a database to a newer release of
Postgres software.  This database supports a large number  of the GNSS stations maintained by Earthscope. As a result 
of this upgrade, the database will be down during the upgrade and will impact systems that:

     1. Monitor and maintain data about GNSS  stations maintained by the Earthscope Geodetic Instrumentation group
     2. Collect data from these stations.
     3. Information coming from the database for these stations on a variety of pages within the unavco.org web site will not
         be available and may cause web pages to timeout waiting for data or will display old data.

After the upgrade the above systems will be able to resume collecting and updating data. No GNSS data
should be lost as a result of the upgrade. The collection and distribution of real time data will not be impacted by this upgrade.
We are estimating the upgrade to take around 4 hours and will begin at 6 AM MDT on March 7th. We will send out emails
at the beginning or the upgrade  and when it is complete.


Douglas J. Ertz

Engineering Manager III, EarthScope Consortium

6350 Nautilus Drive, Suite B/C

Boulder, CO 80301-5394

Voice: 303-381-7555

By cell: 720-466-0083

Fax: 303-381-7501


Please acknowledge EarthScope Consortium sponsors and awards


Doug Ertz

Mar 7, 2023, 7:59:43 AM3/7/23
to data-anno...@earthscope.org, EarthScope General
Start Time: 2023-03-07 06:00 MST
End Time: 2023-03-07 10:00 MST

The database upgrade is beginning at 6:00 AM MST.  You will see some system degradation during the upgrade as previously announced.

Doug Ertz

Mar 7, 2023, 11:13:12 AM3/7/23
to data-anno...@earthscope.org, EarthScope General
The database upgrade has been completed.  All systems should now be available and operating as expected.
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