AGU Session S013 - Environmental Seismology: A Geophysical Tool to Study Surface and Near-Surface Processes

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Danica Roth

Jul 7, 2023, 5:16:23 PM7/7/23

Dear Colleagues,


If you’re using DAS for environmental monitoring or characterization, we invite you to submit an abstract to our session on environmental seismology at the AGU Fall Meeting this year:

S013 - Environmental Seismology: A Geophysical Tool to Study Surface and Near-Surface Processes.



Session description:

Elastic waves are generated at or near Earth’s surface in many ways, and seismic techniques are interrogating increasingly diverse processes, hazards and materials. Seismic detection, monitoring and characterization methods provide continuous, high-resolution observations with broad spatial coverage of multiple sources, including those occurring in otherwise inaccessible environments. Areas of recent advancement include: mass movement (landslides, rockfalls, debris flows, lahars); hydrologic (groundwater, open-water waves/tides, floods, turbulence, sediment transport), cryospheric (avalanches, icequakes, ice calving/fracture/deformation, glacial hydrology/sliding), atmospheric and oceanic phenomena (microseisms, weather, gravity waves); multi-channel observations made with large-N arrays and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS); 4-d imaging of substrate, material and structural attributes; and analysis of anthropogenic seismic sources and associated wave propagation.


This session connects scientists applying theoretical, field-based and experimental seismic methods to surface and near-surface dynamics across disciplines. We invite contributions from geomorphology, cryospheric sciences, seismology, near-surface geophysics, hazards, volcanology, soil sciences, rock mechanics, hydrology and related fields.


The abstract submission deadline is August 1 at 23:59 EDT, and the meeting will be held both virtually and in in San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023.



Danica Roth, Eva Eibl, Tom Hudson, Rick Aster and Stephanie Olinger



Danica Roth
Assistant Professor
Department of Geology and Geological Engineering
Colorado School of Mines 


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