Dear all,
We are looking for a new colleague to join the Fiber-optics
working group at the Geophysical Imaging section at the Helmholtz
Centre Potsdam - GFZ!
We have an opening for a 3-year postdoc position to work with
Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos, Charlotte Krawczyk and the rest of
the Fiber-optics team on developing and validating advanced
computational tools for the analysis of ambient seismic noise data
recorded along existing telecommunication fibers in urban areas
using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). This position is part of
the InDySE project (Interrogating the Dynamic Shallow Earth),
which aims at developing next-generation urban monitoring
platforms for investigating near-surface structure and processes
associated with geohazards and sustainable development in
populated areas. The project will involve developing and
implementing efficient processing tools using existing urban DAS
datasets, but also participating in the design and conduction of a
new field experiment.
For more information check out the job advert (, and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions! (
The closing date for applications is May 15th. Please
feel free to share with anyone who you think would be interested.
-- Dr. Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos Research Scientist GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences Section 2.2. Geophysical Imaging E-mail: Phone: +49 (0)331-6264-1279
Dear all,
This is just a final reminder for the 3-year postdoc position on
Fiber-optics and ambient noise offered at GFZ Potsdam, described
in my previous email (and here:,
Note that the application deadline has been extended to May 26th.
Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have questions!